F9. Psychological Explanations: Psychodynamic Explanations Flashcards
3 inadequate superegos
- formed at end of phallic stage, contain ‘internalised sense of right and wrong’ from same-sex parent
- deviant superego: child internalises abnormal moral standards from criminal parents
- weak superego: lack of identification with same-sex parent (due to absence)
- over-harsh superego: craves punishment due to being accustomed to such a feeling due to growing up with over-harsh parents
Consequence of dysfunctional superego
id is able to exercise control, be selfish, demand instant gratification, leading to selfish and impulsive characteristics of criminals
Basis of idea of inadequate superego
Based upon Bowlby’s theory of Maternal Deprivation. Absence of mother-figure or mother-substitute during critics, attachment period (first 2 years) would result in affectionless psychopathy and mental retardation (43 thieves study)
- Eval: Bowlby 44 thieves
Evidence contradicting findings. Lewis (1959) found that maternal Deprovation wasn’t a reliable predictor of future criminality, nor did they struggle to for, close relationships in adulthood. Therefore decreases Blackburn’s conclusion.
- Eval: Gender Bias
Flaw with Freud’s theory. Women should be at r greater risk of criminality due to having ‘penis envy’ instead of ‘castration anxiety’ and superego has been internalised less than boys. This is countered by stats, which suggests girls display greater appreciation to delayed gratification than boys.
- Eval: Lack of Scientific Rigour
Superego (right/wrong) embedded in individuals tripartite personality, thus it cannot be objectively measured. Therefore, since the superego can’t be proven wrong, it suggests that the theory is pseudoscientific.