Exploring Chemistry Chapters 5-8 Flashcards
Mendeleev believed an organized table of the elements would
help his students
John Dalton’s atomic theory of matter was ___ accepted and soon became a foundation of modern chemistry.
Davy discovered potassium by treating potash with
electricity from a strong battery
Most alpha particles entered the gold foil and
pass straight through
Dmitri Mendeleev set about organizing the table of elements by
writing information about the elements on note cards
Fraunhofer saw the ___ while testing the quality of a prism.
lines in the spectrum
According to Dalton, atoms of the same element are ___, including their weight.
identical in all their properties
William Crookes did scientific experimentation
because he enjoyed it
Henry Cavendish combined oxygen with nitrogen by using
an electric spark
A radiometer
measures the strength of radiant energy
About 1 alpha particle in 10,000
bounced out in the same direction it entered
The first element discovered by the spectroscope was
How many of Mendeleev’s missing elements have been found?
all 3
The one who unwisely tasted and sniffed new chemicals was
Humphry Davy
Dmitri Mendeleev was born in
The name helium means from
the sun
The three most important tools for making advances in chemistry were electricity, the periodic law, and the
Dmitri Mendeleev organized his table of the elements by ___ and ___.
atomic weight, valance
Current electricity is due to the motion of
Was static electricity known or unknown to the ancient Greeks?
An arc light generates light as electricity jumps across the gap between two ____ electrodes.
To silence critics of his table, Mendeleev
predicted the properties of three missing elements
The smallest objects that have the chemical properties of an element are
The first college that Dmitri Mendeleev attended was one
to train teachers
The noble gas family is also known as the
inert gases
Alessandro Volta built the first
battery to produce electric current
Robert Bunsen invented the ___.
Bunsen burner
___ helps make light bulbs last longer.