Exploring Chemistry Chapter 13-16 Flashcards
Cellulose gives plant cells their
strong cell walls
Silicon is an electric
discovered the family of inert gases.
William Ramsay
was a Frenchman who burned a diamond. He stated the law of conservation of matter.
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Blasting caps are used
for safe detonation of explosives
made the first periodic table of the elements.
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
stated the atomic theory of matter.
John Dalton
The essential element in explosives is _______________.
suggested the use of chemical symbols for elements.
Jöns Jakob Berzelius
Uranium ore is
The radioactive element used in smoke detectors is
The one discovered first was the the planet Uranus or the element uranium.
the planet Uranus
Silicon carbide was discovered while trying to make synthetic
The one better able to lubricate across extreme temperatures is hydrocarbon motor oil or silicone oil.
silicone oil
was an eccentric English chemist who discovered hydrogen.
Henry Cavendish
The foil used to wrap foods is made of
used electricity to free sodium and other elements from their ores.
Humphry Davy
Nitrocellulose is a combination of a _______________ compound with cellulose.
Stained glass was colored
to hide the fact that glass makers could not make clear glass
The element found in computer chips is
The six-pound metallic top to the Washington Monument is made of
Abraham Lincoln’s great construction project was to connect California to the East Coast with
a railroad
A gem’s value is due to its
beauty, cost, and rarity
Silicon is the ___ .
second most abundant) element in the earth’s crust
was a French chemist who became a medical researcher.
Louis Pasteur
The Star of India is
a diamond
Diatoms have cell walls of
was Davy’s assistant who discovered benzene.
Michael Faraday
The one that can resist sudden changes in temperature is glass or quartz?
France’s Emperor Napoleon III had table sets made of
Ascanio Sobrero’s reaction to nitroglycerin was to
keep it secret
Guncotton would be described as being ___.
unpredictable and capable of exploding without warning
The powder in the expression “keep your powder dry” was
gun powder
helped found the Royal Society. He also defined an element.
Robert Boyle