Exam 2 Part 7 Flashcards
In general, the symptoms of language impairment become more subtle with ___; therefore, our assessment techniques must be more subtle as well.
What are some areas of difficulty in children who have semantic deficits?
Learning new words in indirect contexts, using short-term memory to store phonological forms of new words, creating/storing lexical representation, using known lexical items in suppressive language that involve word retrieval
What are the 5 steps of an information processing system?
Attention, discrimination, organization, memory, retrieval/transfer
Brain notices stimuli
Picking out stimuli that is important to focus on
Putting sensory information into file folders
Transferring information into long-term memory
Able to pull out information from memory
Where would semantics fit into the information processing stage?
Where would syntactics fit into the information processing stage?
How would you get information on syntactic skills in a non-standardized way?
Assessing child’s use of question forms in spontaneous speech
What information do we gain from a language sample?
Closest we get to real conversation, use of pragmatics
What are we looking for in the syntax of older children?
Sentence length, measure of word structure, phrase and cause structures, use of complex sentences
What are 4 ways that comprehension is evaluated?
Standardized tests, testing comprehension by having children act out certain commands, decision tasks, using pictures to engage children in pointing tasks
Comprehension involves so much more than the literal meaning of utterances. What 4 things are these?
Inferences, predictions, main idea, figurative language
What are some non-linguistic influencing factors on language comprehension?
Attention, hearing impairment, cognitive style, anxiety, being in crisis mode, visual processing disorder, ambiguous pictures
Research shows that expressive language impairments are usually accompanied by difficulties in the _______ of language input.
What are some difficulties are shown in children who have pragmatic issues?
Turn tasing, topic maintenance, eye contact, facial expression, negotiating strategies
What are some skills when telling narrative stories?
Sequencing events, use of vocabulary, cohesive ties in narratives
Richness of vocabulary, episode complexity, existence of a story climax, use of complex sentence structures, use of literate language style, and use of dialogue.