Exam 2 Flashcards
Why is a language based diagnostic evaluation so difficult?
No one understands exactly how language is developed or processed, standard language model cannot be completely separated, time constraints
What could make an SLP insecure about their
diagnostic abilities when approaching a language based assessment?
Language difference, misdiagnosis, lack of experience with the test measure, insecure about knowledge set
What makes an assessment of early language abilities so difficult?
Wide variety of population, varied severity levels, language is complex skill, lots of test measures and procedures to choose from, language is affected by more than just linguistic ability (could be from environment issues, physical impairment, etc.)
How should an SLP plan a language assessment?
Have ideas about what test measures should be used, adjust plan accordingly in order to gather and organize data
What 2 questions do SLPs always seek to answer?
Is there a language delay/impairment or not, how does the presence of a language impairment affect the child’s daily functioning
Implication: cognitive assessment
Play partner
A child who doesn’t know how to play with objects in symbolic or productive ways is unlikely to learn to communicate about objects and events appropriately
Play partners
Implication: social assessment
Turn-taking partners
Development of reciprocity is important because communication involves _____ between partners
Turn taking
Implication: using assessment of communicative intent and gesture system
Communication partners
The initial communications of children are gestural in nature. These initial nonverbal communications precede the use of words to regulate adult action and attention
Communication partners
After the flow of communication is established through the use of gestures, children begin to approximate word productions that are modeled by their caregivers.
Language partners
Implication:language model analysis and language structure analysis
Langauge partners
Implication: pragmatic analysis
Conversational partners
After the flow of communication is established through the use of gestures, children begin to approximate word productions that are modeled by their caregivers.
Language partners
When the use of language is firmly established, the child gradually learns the pragmatic rules for taking into account listener perspective, topic manipulation, and appreciation of social context in participating in dialogue.
Conversational partners