Evolution Flashcards
What is microevolution
Change in a single gene pool (alleles)
Is macro evolution
Change above the species level like feathers on birds characteristics that create new taxa: evidence seen in fossils
Who is George Cuvier
Scientist that proposed catastrophism. Found that each stratum of earth had different fossils, some species completely disappeared in more recent layers.
Catastrophism stated that species disappeared you to catastrophic events of the earth’s crust
Who is Hutton
Scottish geologist who studied in vertebrate fossils
Posed that changes in Earth’s crust are due to slow, gradual, continuous processes (gradualism)
Why were Hutton’s theories of graduism important
They were based on the idea that the earth has a long history and is constantly changing
Was Charles Lyell
The scientist that came up with the theory of uniformitarianism States that geological processes that alter the earth are uniform through time and result in slow continuous actions
Proposed that the earth was millions of years old instead of thousands of years old
Who is Lamarck
A scientist proposed that evolution occurs through the inheritance of acquired characteristics
Organisms develop new traits by using or not using body parts called the law of use and disuse. Said acquired traits are passed on to offspring
Prior to Darwin which two ideas prevailed
Earth is less than 10,000 years old and relatively unchanging
Species are fixed/permanent
Who is Charles Darwin
I love the idea of natural selection which is in the mechanism for evolution after observing organisms on a five-year voyage on the HMS beagle,1831
Is Darwinian fitness
Determined by an organisms ability to survive and reproduce to pass on traits
What was Darwin’s theory of giraffes
Are wind believed the giraffes is next linked in overtime because there was variation in length in the population. Giraffes with the longer next could reach the leaves in tall trees therefore they survive to reproduce passing on these change the offspring and overtime the longnecked giraffes replaced the Shortneck giraffes
Who is Thomas Malthus
A scientist who discovered struggle for existence: population size is limited by the availability of resources (carrying capacity)
Who was Alfred Russell Wallace
Scientist who believed that organisms evolved from common ancestors: published an essay discussing the process of natural selection in before Darwin.
What is evolution
Change over time in the genetic composition of the population, evolution leads to new species
Scientist who’s ideas about evolution and adaption influenced Darwin
Ship Darwin traveled
Change over time
Explanation of natural events that is supported by evidence and can be tested with new evidence
Economist whose ideas about human population influenced Darwin
Homologous structure that is greatly reduced in size
Geologist who influenced Darwin
Inherited characteristics that increases an organisms chance of survival
Type of selection in which humans humans select the variations
Ability of an individual to survive and reproduce in its specific environment
Survival of the fittest
Natural selection
Structures that have different mature forms but develop from the same embryonic tissues
Scientist whose ideas about evolution were the same as darwins
Geologist who influenced Darwin
The study of where organisms live now and where they lived in the past
Fossil record
The chronological collection of life’s remains in rock layers
Law of superposition
Older rocks tend to be the bottom layers while younger rocks are on top
When a younger rock layer breaks through the older rock layers
Homologous structures
Structures with a similar anatomy due to a common evolutionary origin
Analogous structures
Similarities among unrelated species. these structures have similar functions but are not similar in structure/internal anatomy
Not evidence of evolution
Convergent evolution
The process in which unrelated organism from similar environments have similar adaptions
Vestigial structures
Remnants of structures that may have had important functions in a species ancestors but have no clear or reduced function in some of the modern species/descendants
Which organisms develop similarly
Embryo logical related organisms
What is shared genetic code?
DNA based sequences determine the amino acid sequences of proteins.
Species with DNA and protein sequences that match closely
Are closely related
Have a relatively recent common ancestor
What is artificial selection
Process by which humans breed other animals and plants for particular traits