Body Structure Part 1 Flashcards
What are cells
Basic unit of life
What are cell types
Become different an embryo: do specialized functions
What is tissue
Group of cells with the same function
What are the four major types of tissue
What is epithelial tissue
Sheets of tightly packed cells that cover the body or line internal organs
Example of epithelial tissue
Skin, lining of organs multiple types in organs
What is connective tissue
Support and connect tissues and organs
Example of connective tissue
Cushion, insulate, and connects organs
Bones cartilage fat blood loose connective tissue
What is nervous tissue
Transmits signals in the body in response to changes in the environment
What is a neuron
The basic unit of a nervous tissue
What is the muscle tissue
Aid in the movement of an organism as well as the transport of blood and food
Which type of tissue can be voluntary or involuntary
What is a voluntary muscle
Are able to be controlled by your own well, these include the skeletal muscles
What are involuntary muscles
Work without in conscious control of the organism these tissues include the cardiac tissue of the heart as well as the smooth muscle tissue in many other organisms
What is an organ
Several tissues that do a job together
What is an example of an organ
Eye, stomach, heart
What is an organ system
A unit of multiple organs that together perform a vital body function
What are the organ systems
Respiratory Digestive Urinary Lymphatic Circulatory Integument Skeletal Muscular
What is the function of the integument organ system
Covers and protects body
Regulate temperature
Excrete waste
Function of the digestive system
Receives food, converts there molecules into forms that can pass through cell membranes, and eliminates materials that are not consumed
What does the digestive system include
Mouth, tongue teeth salivary gland’s esophagus stomach liver gallbladder pancreas small and large intestines
What is the function of the circulatory system
Transports oxygen and nutrients hormones and waste
What is the function of the nervous system
Send receives and interprets signals
What are the main organs of the nervous system
spinal cord
nerves and
sensory organs
What are the main organs in the circulatory system
blood vessels
What is homeostasis
Conditions of maintaining a stable internal environment in an organism
How is homeostasis maintained
Negative feedback
What is negative feedback
Body’s response to stimulus that opposes the original ____
What is irritability
Ability of a cell to respond to its environment
In multicellular organisms the ______ and _____ Control the regulation and coordination of responses
Nervous and endocrine systems
What is CNS
Central nervous system
What is PNS
Peripheral nervous system
The organs of the nervous system are divided into the
Central and peripheral
Cell body Dendrites Axon Myelin sheaths Axon terminal
What is the cell body
Contains the organelles usually found in cells
What are the dendrites
Small branches that provide receptive surface and send signal toward the cell body
What is the axon
Arises from the cell body to pass the electrical signal, this signal is made by passing potassium and sodium ions across the membrane in an action potential
What is myelin sheaths
May cover the axon to increase the speed of the action potential
What is an axon terminal
Where electrical signals are passed to the next neuron as a synapse
What is synapse
Branches of the axon convert electrical signal into chemicals
Action of sending the signal is called a
What are sensory neurons
Receptors that detect internal and Extertal changes
What are interneurons
Located entirely in the central nervous system that integrates sensory information and sends motor impulses
Peripheral nervous system
Motor and sensory neurons that branch out throughout the body
Central nervous system
Brain and spinal cord
Cerebellum: voluntary thought cerebellum: coordinates muscle movement brainstem: ponds and medulla involuntary functions and connects to body
Voluntary examples are smell site taste or sound
Which kind of reflex happens with out the brain
What are the levels of body structure organization
Atom Molecule Organelle Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Organism