Evolution Flashcards
Transitional fossils
-link older extinct fossils to modern species
industrial melanism
Darkening due to industrialization ex/ Peppered moth
Balanced polymorphism
- Caused by disruptive selection
- 2 or more phenotypes coexist in a population
Sources of variation in a population
Mutation, genetic drift, gene flow
Genetic drift
Bottleneck and founder effect
Bottleneck effect
- Natural disasters result in loss of genetic variation
- Alleles may be under or overrepresented
Founder effect
- Small population breaks away from a larger one to colonize a new area
- Not genetically representative of the original larger population
- Rare alleles may be overrepresented
Characteristics of the Hardy-Weinberg ther0y
- Population must be large
- Population must be isolated from others
- No mutations
- Random mating
- No natural selection
Temporal isolation
Parallel evolution
-2 related species that have made similar evolutionary adaptions after their divergence
Gould and Eldridge
punctuated equilibrium
Framcesco REdi
Meat and maggots
Disproved SPontaneous Generation
Oparin and Haldane
-Hypothesized that under the conditions of early Earth, organic molecules could form
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey
- tested the Oparin-Haldane hypothese
- Proved almost any energy source would have converted inorganic molecules in to organic molecules(amino acids)
- used electricity - lightning and Uv lights
Sidney Fox
Able to produce cell-like structres called proteinoid microspheres
heterotroph hypothesis
- The first cells on Earth were anaerobic heterotrophic prokaryotes
- They absorbed organic molecules from surroundings
Theory of endosybiosis