ER EOR EXAM cardio Flashcards
what is the MC valve involved with bacterial endocriditis
what is the difference between acute bacterial endocarditis and sub acute bacterial endocarditis
subacute is abnormal valved
what is the organism with sub acute endocarditis
S. Viridans
what is the organism with acute bacterial endocarditis
S aureus
what is the organisms with IVDU endocarditis
what is the organisms with prosthetic valve endocarditis
prostheic valve epidermidis
what are the 4 patho pneumonic aspects of endocarditis
roth spots
splinter hemorages
jane way lesions
splinter hemmorages
what is the first thing you do with endocarditis
blood clltures
what typr of murmur with endocarditis
new regurg murmur
what criteria for endocarditis
duke criteria
How do you tx acute bacterial endocarditis
nafcillin + gent
how do you tx sub acute endocarditis
ampcillin + gent
how do you tx prostehic valve endocarditis
Vanco + Rifampin + Gent
how do you tx fungal endocarditis
what are the 4 groups that get treated with prophalyaxis endocarditis
- prosthetic valve
- heart repairs using prosthetic materials
- congenital heart disease
- prior history of ABE
what is the medication used for ABR prophalaxis
irregularly irregular
A fib
what are the 3 meds for rate control and A fib (class)
- beta blocker
- Digoxin (this is if they have CHF or hypotension)
how do you tx unstable a fib
direct synchronized cardiovestion
how do you know if someone needs to be on anticoag for a fib
CHF HTN Age > 65 Dm stroke Vascular Age > 75 Sex
what 2 medication calsses cause long QT syndrome
- macrolides
narrow SVT you treat with what 2
- Vagal
- adonosine
how do tx wide complex tach
how do you tx wolff parkinson white
what is the epi shock epi arrthmia
how do you tx unstable VT with a pulse
how do you tx unstable VT no pulse
unsechnriszed cardiovertion
what is the MC cause of CAD
what class of angina is the best
stage I
what are the three anginal equilivnats
- epigastic
- shoulder
- dyspnea
what are the 4 indications for CABG
- ED < 40
- 3 vessel disease
- stenosis > 70%
what is the MCC of an MI
what are the 4 EKG progressions for an MI
- Peaked T waves
- ST elevation
- Q waves
- T wave invertion
what are thee non MI reasons for elevated troponisns
- renal failure
- heart failure
- PE
who gets CCB with an MI
cocaine induced MI
what are the 6 parts to treating acute MI
- asprin
- nitro
- heperin
- BB
- ace
- reperfuion
what are the three meds you will use in systolic HF
- ace
- diurteic
- BB
what are the two main causes of pericarditis
- idiopathic
- enterovirius (coxachkie)
ST elevation in V1- V6
do people have a fever with pericarditis
what are the two meidcations used to treat pericarditis
- colchicine
what is becks triad
- muffled heart sounds
- hypotension
what is becks triad associated with
cardiac tamponade
what is the tx for tampanode
- pericardiocentesis
what is a pericardial knock associated with
constrictive pericarditis
what are the two medications used in hypertensive emergency
how fast do you lower BP
25% in 24 hours
what are the thee medications for PAD
- cliostazole
- aspirin
- clopedogril (plavix)
what is the MC RF for a AAA
monitor every 6 months
3.0 -4.0
monitor every year
vascular surgon
sudden onset tearing backpain
aortic dissection
what is the highest RF for aortic disection
what is teh CXR finding for aortic disection
widendened midiastinum
what is the murmur with new aortic dissection
aortic regurg
what is the first test for aortic dissection
what are the 4 types of shock
- hypovolemic
- carcinogenic
- obstructive
- distributive
what are the worst two symptoms of hypovolic shock
- lethargy
- no urine output
what type of shock has increased cap wedge pressure
what type of shock do you not give IV fluids
what are the 4 types of distrubitive shock
- septic
- anaphylactic
- neurogenic
- endocrine
what type of shock is the only one that is warm
what type of shock is the only one with an increased CO
what are the two components of orthostatic HTN
decrease SBP 20 mmhg
Increase in HR 15 BPM
what is the sphinter tone with cauda equina
decreased sphinter tone
what areas are the MC for costochondritis
ribs 2-5
what is the MC organism for osteomyelitis
s aureus
what are the two primary routs for osteomyelitis
- acute hematoganous spread (mc kids)
- direct inoculation
what is the 2 medications for osteomyelitis
- nafcillin
- vanco
what are the 2 MC organisms for septic arthriris
- s aureus
- neisseria gonorrhea
septic arthriris tx 2
- nafcillin
- vanco