________ refers to conditions caused by exposure to chemical or physical agents in the ambient workplace and personal environment, including diseases of nutritional origin
________. _______, _______ all of which will be exacerbated by heat waves and air pollution
cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases
_______, cholera, and other foodborne and water borne infectious diseases caused by contamination as a consequence of floods and disruption of clean water supplies and sewage treatment after heavy rains and other environmental disasters
_________ system catalyzes reactions that either detoxify xenobiotics or less commonly convert xenobiotics into active compounds that cause cellular injury
P450 enzyme system
Inducers of CYP act by binding to specific nuclear receptors, which then heterodimerize with the ______ to form transcriptional activation complex that associates with promoter elements located in the 5 prime flanking region of CYP genes
retinoic X receptor
__________ is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly among at-risk individuals with pre-existing pulmonary or cardiac disease
air pollution
_______________ is a radioactive gas derived from uranium widely present in soul and in homes can cause lung cancer in uranium minders
____________ is used in the manufacture of building materials and may accumulate in the air in poorly ventilated housing
_______ is readily absorbed metal that binds to sulfhydryl groups in proteins and interferes with calcium metabolism, effects that lead to hematologic, skeletal, neurologic, gastrointestinal, and renal toxicities
indoor air pollution
so called _______ remains an elusive problem; it may be a consequence of exposure to one or more indoor pollutants, possibly due to poor ventilation
sick-building syndrome
iron incorporation into heme is impaired, leading to ________ (small red cells) and anemia
lead poisoning
in the peripheral blood the defect in hemoglobin synthesis appears as __________ that is often accompanied by mild hemolysis
microcytic hypochromic anemia
lead poisoning
in adults the CNS is less often affected but frequently a peripheral ________ appears typically involving the motor nerves of the most commonly used muscles
peripheral demyelinating neuropathy
like lead, ____ binds to sulfhydryl groups in certain proteins with high affinity, leading to damage in the CNS and the kidney
the medical disorders associated with minamata episode became known as _______ disease and includes cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness, intellectual disability, and major CNS defects
minamata disease
____________ interfere with several aspects of cellular metabolism
cardiovascular effetcs include hypertension and prolonged ______ interval with ventricular arrythmias
QT interval
______ is preferentially toxic to the kidneys and the lungs through uncertain mechanisms that may involve increased production of the ROS
cadmium-containing water used to irrigate rice fields in japan caused a disease in postmenopausal woman known as ______, a combination of osteoporosis and osteomalacia associated with renal disease
_______ and ____________ are found in degreasing and dry cleaning agents and paint removers
acute exposure to high levels of these agents can cause dizziness, and confusion, CNS depression, and even coma
chloroform and carbon tetrachloride
occupational exposure to ________ and __________ increases the risk of leukemia
benzene and 1.3-butadiene
_____________ are released during the combustion of coal and gas, particularly at the high temperatures used in steel foundries and also are present in tar and soot
polycyclic hydrocarbons
__________ (and halogenated organic compounds in general) are synthetic products that rest degradation and are lipophilic
________ and _________ can cause skin disorders such as folliculitis and acneiform dermatosis known as chloracne which consists of acne, cyst formation, hyperpigmentation, and hyperketosis, generally around the face and behind the ears
Dioxins and PCBs
despite all the attention given to illicit drugs such as cocaine and opiates, ______ is a far more widespread hazard and claims many more lives
alcohol abuse
at high blood alcohol levels, however the microsomal ________- system also plays an important role
this system involves P-450 enzymes particularly the______ isoform located in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
ethanol oxidizing system
________, the direct product of alcohol oxidation, has many toxic effects and is responsible for some of the acute effects of alcohol
alcohol oxidation by ________- causes the reduction of NAD to NADH with a consequent decrease in NAD and increase of NADH
alcohol dehydrogenase
_______ metabolism of ethanol in the liver by CYP2E1 produces reactive oxygen species which causes lipid peroxidation of hepatocyte membranes
ROS generation
___________ exerts its effects mainly on the CNS, but it may induce hepatic and gastric changes that are reversible if alcohol consumption is discontinued
Acute alcoholism
___________- affects not only the liver and stomach but virtually all other organs and tissues as well
chronic alcoholism
the ______ is the main site of chronic injury
Cirrhosis is associated with portal hypertension and an increased risk for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma
_______ (B1) deficiency is common in chronic alcoholics; the principal lesions resulting from this deficiency are peripheral neuropathies and _______
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
pancreas; excessive alcohol intake increases the risk of ____ and _________
acute and chronic pancreatitis