Endocrine system Flashcards
What is the endocrine system?
Glands separated around the body not physically connected. A group of secretory cells.
the secretory cells are surrounded by…
capillaries to allow diffusion of hormones into the blood
The hormones taken in blood to target tissues and organs influence what two things?
metabolism and growth.
What are hormones released in response to?
a specific stimulus
Are hormones normally responsible for negative or positive feedback?
normally negative eg. blood sugar regulation.
Hormones … at target cell, bind to … which causes a … reaction in cell.
Arrives, receptor, chemical/metabolic.
The positive feedback system of labour is in 4 main stages which are what?
Baby pushes against cervix causing it to stretch, nerve impulses are sent to the brain, stimulates posterior pituitary gland to release oxytocin, this causes smooth muscle lining the uterus to contract.
The pituitary gland acts with the … to regulate… glands.
hypothalamus, endocrine
Hypothalamus controls the release of hormones from the…
pituitary gland
What size is the pituitary gland?
pea sized
What is the pituitary gland aka?
the master gland
Name the 5 anterior pituitary hormones
growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (acth), prolactin, gonadotrophins.
Name the 2 poterior pituitary gland hormones
oxytocin, antidiuretic hormone (adh/ vasopressin)
The antidiuretic hormone acts on the … and increases the reabsorbtion of … reduced.. output.
kidneys, water, urine
reduced adh secretion would cause…
less water to be reabsorbed, so higher urine output.
thyroid gland is anterior in the neck and level of which vertebra?
5th,6th,7th cervical and 1st thoracic
the thyroid gland is highly vascular and have which arteries and veins?
superior and inferior thyroid arteries and the thyroid veins.
What 2 main hormones are from the thyroid
thyroxine and tri-iodothryronine
what do thyroxine and tri-iodothryronine do?
increase basal metabolic rate, increased heat production, regulate metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. essential for growth and developement.