Endocrine + renal anatomy Flashcards
Where is the pituitary gland located?
Pituitary fossa in the sphenoid bone
How is the optic chiasm related to the pituitary gland?
The optic chiasm is immediately superior
Which lobe of the pituitary is bigger?
Which pituitary lobe manufactures hormones?
How does the pituiary gland stain?
Anterior stains dark
Posterior light
How can you distinguish between the anterior pituitary cells?
Acidophilic - stain pink
Basophilic - stain purple
Chromophobic - appear pale
What are the 2 Classes of Acidophils?
- Somatotrophs
2. Mammotrophs
What are the 3 Classes of Basophils?
- Corticotrophs
- Thyrotrophs
- Gonadotrophs
What do somatotrophs produce?
What do mammotrophs produce?
What do corticotrophs produce?
MSH - Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
What do thyrotophs produce?
What do conadotophs produce?
What is the Arterial Blood Supply to the Pituitary Gland?
- The Superior Hypophysial Artery (anterior)
2. The Inferior Hypophysial Artery (posterior)
What are the main secretory bodies of the Posterior Pituitary?
Neurosecretory Bodies (Herring Bodies)
Where do the hypophysial arteries arise from?
Internal carotid artery
What is the course of the superior hypophysial artery?
Enters hypothalmus
Breaks into capillaries (hypophysial portal system)
These then supply anterior pituitary gland
How does the hypoathalmus communicate with the Anterior Pituitary?
The Hypothalamo-Hypophysial Portal System
How does the Hypothalmus communicate with the Posterior Pituitary?
Through the Neurosecretory Cells, via the Infundibulum
How is the pituitary gland drained?
Hypophysial veins -> cavernous sinus
Where is the thyroid gland found?
Between thyroid cartilage and 6th tracheal ring
Where is theisthmus related to?
2nd to 4th tracheal rings
What strap muscles overlie the thyroid gland?
What nerves supply the vocal cords?
Recurrent laryngeal
Superior laryngeal