Elizabeth - Society Flashcards
Describe how society was ordered in the Great Chain of Being.
At the top god in heaven ruled over the angels and on earth society reflected this order kings, churchmen, nobles, merchants, and peasants
Name 3 ways you could demonstrate your wealth in Elizabethan society.
Wear expensive clothes
Lots of jewellery
Owning lots of land
Why was the invention of the printing press so important?
Allowed publishing business to go. This allowed ideas and language to spread fast around Europe
List 4 ways that Hardwick Hall reflected Elizabethan fashions in house design.
More glass than was walls showed they were rich
Have chimneys
Demonstrated new concepts of domestic architecture
Big hallways at entrance
How much did the population of England grow during Elizabeth’s reign?
30% - from around 3mil to 4mil
Where in London was the Globe theatre built? Why?
Close to south bank of Thames. To avoid the strict regulations of london at the time
Name 2 brutal pastimes enjoyed by the Elizabethans.
Blood sports
Cruel sports
How did the Globe theatre reflect the Great Chain of Being?
It had the upper class and nobility higher up in the theatre and the groundlings who had to pay a penny to stand and watch from the floor
What was the role of a theatre’s patron?
A wealthy and powerful individual who protected actors by giving them money or jobs
Why did the Lord Mayor disapprove of the Globe theatre?
He believed it spread immoral ideas, encouraged depraved behaviour and contribute to outbreaks of the plague
Name 2 ways that Shakespeare’s plays reflected the concerns of Elizabethan people.
Questioning the social order
Plays were about conflict of good and evil inhumanity of man which supported the views of immoral ideas
What did Drake do between 1577 and 1580?
Circumnavigated the world
What did Drake return with and what did Elizabeth make him?
He came back with lots of Spanish gold stolen from their ships and Elizabeth awarded drake a knight hood in 1581 on his ship the golden hind
Who was given Royal permission to explore the Americas and what colony did he establish?
Francis drake
Nova Albion - new Britain
Name 3 inventions which made the voyages of discovery possible.
Lateen sails
The astrolabe
Magnetic compass
Name 3 ways that the voyages of discovery made England wealthy.
Successful attacks on Spain meant he brought back gold silver and jewels
Claimed new lands for England
Valuable trading contacts
How did the voyages of discovery increase England’s power and Empire?
English sailors became much better at sailing and fighting at sea.
The voyages spurred advancements in shipbuilding and navigation, making the English navy one of the most powerful in Europe. This naval prowess not only secured trade routes and protected colonies but also allowed England to project its power internationally.
Name 3 reasons there was increased poverty in Elizabethan England.
War - taxes were increased to compensate for prices of waging war
Cloth trade collapse - wool was England’s main export there was a decline in demand led to unemployment
Inflation - prices for good rose
Who were the deserving poor?
Those who were willing to work but unable to due to old age, disabled, or too sick
Who were the undeserving poor?
People who are often able bodied but don’t want to work
What did London do after 1576 to deal with the poor?
Poor relief act - provided raw materials for the able bodied poor to make things that they could sell as a business
What was the 1601 Poor Law and what did it introduce?
Each church would have to pay taxes to support people who could not work
Give one way the Poor Law was effective and one way it wasn’t.
It ensured that the poor were housed clothes and fed
It did not raise wages for the poor
List 6 ways that Elizabethan England was a Golden Age.
Increase in wealth for the country
The theatre was popular among all members of society and was cheap entertainment great plays still performed today
Breakthroughs in navigation and astronomy allowed pirateers and explores to find new country’s
Improved printing press allowed new ideas and new form of propaganda
New buildings being built better structure
New and better defensive weapons