Eisenhower Domestic Policies (1953-61) Flashcards
Why was Eisenhower accused of representing big business?
His cabinet was full of millionaires and business men
What years was Truman president?
How successful was Eisenhower in dealing with congress?
Had a lot of success despite a mainly democratic congress due to his little interference in legislation in comparison to Truman
What did Eisenhower do about the role of the federal government?
Decreased their role but continued most of the New Deal/Fair Deal policies
How many Mexicans were deported as part of Operation Wetback?
1.4 million
What programme did Eisenhower strengthen?
Social Security programme -
How many miles of road were imposed as part of the Interstate Highway System (Eisenhower)
41,000 miles of road
What space organisation was set up under Eisenhower?
What did Eisenhower do in terms of minimum wage?
Raised it
What years was Eisenhower president?
What years was Kennedy president?
What did Kennedy’s New Frontier do?
Appealed to the young, used TV, close to MLK, Catholic
Who was appointed as a judge under Kennedy?
Thurgood Marshall
How many troops did Kennedy send to to support James Meredith?
When was the Civil Rights Bill rejected under Kennedy?
Why did Kennedy introduce a tax cut?
To increase spending and a public works programme that cost 900 million
What did Kennedy’s Housing Act do?
Gave cheap loans for redevelopment of inner-city housing
What did Kennedy do in terms of minimum wage?
Increased it
What years was Johnson president?
What was set up by Johnson?
The Great Society
What did the 1964 Civil Rights Act do?
Ended segregation as it banned discrimination in public spaces/federally assisted programmes and employment
1965 Voting Rights Act
Appointed agents to ensure voting procedures were properly followed
What did the Supreme Court declare in 1967?
Declared all laws banning mixed race marriages were to be removed
What did the Economic Opportunity office set up by Johnson do?
To help new education/community projects in inner cities
How much money was spent on a Head Start programme under Johnson?
$1.5 billion
What did the Head Start programme under Johnson do?
Additional education for younger children
What did Medicare under Johnson do?
Provided health care for the elderly
What did Johnson do about minimum wage?
Increased it
What did Johnson do about inner-city housing?
Improved it
What years was Nixon president?
Whose support ensured Nixon’s victory in the 1968 election?
Won middle America (people who were worried about the increase in activism)
Why else did Nixon win the 1968 election?
He promised law and order, the Democrats did not have a clear candidate and a third party won the Deep South
What did the Family Assistance Plan under Nixon do?
Attempted to replace the different benefits and give families a payment of $1600 (rejected by Congress)
What did Nixon increase spending on?
Social programmes introduced by Johnson’s Great Society
What did Nixon do about Civil Rights?
Showed little interest
How many black congressmen and mayors were there by 1971 due to the Voting Rights Act 1975
13 black congressmen and 81 mayors
How did Nixon reduce inflation?
Introduced price and wage freezes
What did Nixon do about the value of the dollar?
Devalued it
What happened as a part of the 1973 oil crisis?
The price of oil shot from $3 per barrel to $12
What did the Watergate Scandal lead to?
Nixon’s resignation in 1974