Early Converts Flashcards
How did the Prophet (PBUH) begin preaching Islam?
- The Prophet (PBUH) preached Islam secretly for the first few years, with only a handful of people accepting Islam.
Who were the first four people to accept Islam?
- Khadija (RA)
- Zaid (RA)
- Ali (RA)
- Abu Bakr (RA).
Which companions did Abu Bakr (RA) bring to Islam?
The companions Abu Bakr (RA) brought to Islam were:
- Uthman (RA)
- Zubair ibn Awwam (RA)
- Talha (RA)
Where did the early Muslims pray in secret?
the early Muslims prayed in secret in the mountains, practicing their faith in secrecy.
In which year did the Prophet (PBUH) begin openly preaching Islam?
The Prophet (PBUH) begin openly preaching Islam in 613 AD
Where did the Prophet (PBUH) first proclaim Islam openly?
The Prophet (PBUH) first proclaimed Islam openly on Mount Safa
What was the divine command for open preaching?
“Expound openly what you are commanded and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.”
What happened after the Prophet (PBUH) openly preached Islam?
He was rejected, and a period of persecution began against him and his followers, especially the poor and weak.
Who was Ammar bin Yasir (RA), and how was he persecuted?
Ammar bin Yasir (RA), was a freed slave of Banu Makhzum who, along with his parents, was tortured by being made to lie on burning sand and beaten.
Who were the first martyrs of Islam?
The first martyrs of Islam were Ammar bin Yasir’s (RA) parents.:
- Sumayya (RA)
- Yasir (RA)
Who killed Sumayya (RA) and Yasir (RA)?
Abu Jahl killed Sumayya (RA) and Yasir (RA
Who was Bilal bin Rabah (RA), and who was his master?
Bilal bin Rabah (RA), was a slave of Ummayah ibn Khalaf
What tortures did Bilal (RA) endure?
He was:
- beaten
- dragged through the streets
- deprived of food and water
- and had a heavy stone placed on his chest in the heat of the desert.
What phrase did Bilal (RA) repeatedly say despite the torture?
Despite the torture, he said:
- “One, One” (affirming the oneness of Allah).
Who freed Bilal (RA)?
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) purchased him and set him free.
How was Abu Bakr (RA) persecuted for defending the Prophet (PBUH)?
- Abu Bakr (R.A) was pulled by his beard and dragged through the streets of Makkah for defending the prophet(pbuh).
What torture did ‘Uthman (RA) endure?
Usman (R.A) was wrapped in palm leaves, and his uncle set fire around him to suffocate him.
Who was Harith bin Abi Hala (RA), and how did he die?
Harith bin Abi Hala (RA) was a companion of the Prophet (PBUH) who was killed while protecting him from enemies.
How was Zinra (RA), a Roman slave girl, persecuted?
Zinra (RA) was beaten so severely that she became blind.
What happened to Suhaib Rumi (RA)?
Suhaib Rumi (RA) was beaten so badly that he became unconscious.
What torture did Khubaib bin Arat (RA) face?
Khubaib bin Arat (RA) as a blacksmith, he was branded with his own tools and burned on hot coal.
Why was Abdullah bin Masud (RA) persecuted?
Abdullah bin Masud (RA) recited the Quran loudly near the Kaaba and was beaten mercilessly.
How were the poor and weak Muslims economically oppressed?
Muslims’ possessions were taken away, and their means of livelihood were cut off.
Why did the Prophet (PBUH) establish Dar al-Arqam?
Prophet (PBUH) established Dar al-Arqam to allow believers to meet and practice Islam secretly.
In which year did the Prophet (PBUH) permit migration to Abyssinia?
Prophet (PBUH) permit migration to Abyssinia in 615 AD (5th year of Prophethood).
Why were Muslims sent to Abyssinia?
Muslims were sent to Abyssinia to escape the persecution of the Quraish and seek protection under King Negus.
How did the Quraish react to the migration to Abyssinia?
Quraish followed the emigrants and asked King Negus to send them back.
Who defended the Muslims before King Negus?
Jafar bin Abu Talib (RA) defended the Muslims before King Negus
What did King Negus decide?
After hearing Jafar’s speech, King Negus refused to return the Muslims to the Quraish.
When did the boycott of Banu Hashim start and end?
the boycott of Banu Hashim started from the 7th to the 10th year of Prophethood.
Where were the Prophet (PBUH) and his family forced to live during the boycott?
the Prophet (PBUH) and his family forced to live during the boycott in Shib-e-Abu Talib, a narrow valley outside Makkah.
What hardships did the Muslims face during the boycott?
During the boycott, Muslims were denied food, water, and trade, leading to extreme difficulties.
Were Muslims allowed to worship at the Kaaba during the boycott?
Muslims weren’t allowed to worship at the Kaaba during the boycott.