Ear Examination Flashcards
Hello, I’m a 3rd year medical student An Nakamura.
I’ve been asked to perform an examination of your ear
This will involve me using a otoscope to look in your ears, a tuning fork
Will this be ok?
Do you have any questions?
Are you in any pain?
Hearing aids - ask patient to remove this before otoscopy
Mobility aids - potential vestibulocochlear nerve issues?
Gross hearing test
Have you noticed any changes in your hearing?
Rustle fingers by ear and whisper 3 numbers by their other ear
Ask patient to repeat what they heard
Repeat in other ear
Rinnes and Webers test
- how to carry out the test
- result interpretation
-512Hz held next to ear vs on mastoid
Positive result - air > bone
Negative result - bone > air
-tuning fork on forehead
Equal on both sides
Lateralises to one side
Conductive hearing loss
- Negative Rinne and lateralises to affected ear.
- outer or middle ear problem
Sensorineural hearing loss
- Positive Rinne and lateralises to good ear
- cochlea, CN8 issue
External ear inspection
Deformity - cauliflower ear, no pinna, underdeveloped pinna, low set ears (Turners, Downs)
Piercings - infection, allergen, trauma?
Erythema, edema - OE
Scars - past surgery
Skin lesions - premalignant, malignant skin changes
Erythema, swelling - mastoiditis
Scars - mastoidectomy?
Pre-auricular region
Sinus - congenital deformity, may become infected => surgical drainage
Lymphadenopathy - ear infection
Conchal bowl
Erythema, purulent discharge - infection?
External ear palpation
Tragus tenderness - OE
Regional LN
- order
- insertion
- removal
Ask for any discomfort
Which is the better ear? => start from there
Apply sterile speculum
Pull pinna up and back => straighten ear canal
Hold otoscope in right hand for right ear and vice versa
Rest hand against cheek
Advance otoscope anteriorly with direct supervision
Careful withdrawal
Repeat in other year
Discard speculum
Otoscopy inspection
-external auditory canal assessment
Excess ear wax - most common cause of conductive hearing loss
Erythema, edema - OE
Discharge - OE, perforated OM
Foreign body
Otoscopy inspection
-tympanic membrane assessment
Systematic assessment of 4 quadrants
- pearly grey, translucent - healthy
- erythema - inflammation
- flat - healthy
- bulging - increased middle ear pressure (OME)
- retraction - reduced middle ear pressure (URTI, allergies?)
Light reflex
- L ear => 7-8oclock
- R ear => 4-5oclock
- absent/distorted => OM
Perforation size and position
- infection - (OME)
- trauma - diving related?
- cholesteatoma
- insertion of grommets
Scarring - tympanosclerosis
General inspection positive findings
Otoscopy positive findings
Hearing loss findings
Further assessment
- cranial nerve assessment - facial nerve pathology
- audiometry, tympanometry - for a better assessment of hearing loss