Back Examination Flashcards
Hello I’m An, a 4th year medical student.
Can I confirm your name and DOB
I’ve been asked to perform a back examination, this’ll involve me having a look and feel of your back, and I’ll ask you to perform some movements.
Do you have any questions
General inspections
-clinical signs
-objects or equipment
Clinical signs
Body habitus - obesity
Scars - past spinal surgery
Muscle wasting - disuse atrophy from other pathology
Objects, equipment
Walking aids, wheelchairs
Prescriptions - analgesia
Close inspection
-pectus excavatum, carinatum
-level of shoulder and pelvis
-spinal curvature - normal, abnormal lordosis and kyphosis in cervical, thoracic, lumbar regions
Back - skin
-cafe au lait marks - NF?
-hairy patch - spina bifida
Back - muscle spasm
Back - scoliosis
-palpate down length of spine
If they have scoliosis, ask patient to bend forward
-functional - resolves on back flexion
-structural - more pronounced
Gait exam - normal gait cycle
Walk to the end of the examination room, turn and walk back
Normal gait cycle
1. heel strike
2. foot flat
3. mid stance
4. heel off
5. toe off
6. swing
Gait exam
-gait abnormalities
-turning abnormalities
Reduced ROM - chronic joint pathology? (OA, RA)
Antalgic - pain or weakness
Trendelenburg - unilateral hip abductor weakness from superior gluteal nerve lesion/L5 radiculopathy
Waddling - bilateral hip abductor weakness from myopathies
Turning - restrictions in joint ROI or instability
Screening tests for nerve root function
-wall test
S1 - plantarflexion
-both feet, tiptoes
-stand on 1 foot, tiptoes, repeat with other
L4/L5 - dorsiflexion
-both feet, on heels
-stand on 1 foot, heels, repeat with other
Wall test
-stand against heels against wall, try to touch head against wall => kyphosis in AS will prevent head from touching wall
Spinous process - occiput to sacrum
-ask patient to report tenderness
-temp changes
Paravertebral - muscles lateral to spinal column
-muscles lateral to spinal column
-facet joints (2 fingers breadths eaither side of spine, both sides together) - ask patient to report tenderness
Chest expansion
-pump handle
-bucket handle
FLEX - chin to chest
EXT - look to ceiling
LAT FLEX - ear to shoulder
ROTATION - turn head left to right
ROTATION - cross arms over chest, twist round to left then right
Thoracic + lumbar
FLEX - bend forward to touch toes
EXT - hands on hips and bend as far back as possible
LAT FLEX - slide hand down side of leg as far as possible with straight legs
Assess for any restriction in ROM, signs of discomfort
-crepitus, RROM, discomfort
Special tests
-Schobers test
Identify restricted lumbar flexion
- Find dimples of Venus
- Mark skin at midline of DoV and 10cm above (L5), 5cm down
- Ask patients to touch toes
- Measure distance between marks
-Should increase by 6-7cm
If not => RROM (AS?)
Special tests
Identify sciatic nerve irritation
- Supine on couch
- Hold ankle, raise leg and passively flex hip with knee extended
-normal ROM - 90deg - Once hip flexed, dorsiflex foot
- Test other side
Positive => pain in posterior thigh, buttock
-sciatic nerve irritation (2ndary to lumbar disc prolapse
Special tests
-femoral nerve stretch test
Identify femoral nerve irritation
- Prone on couch
- Flex knee to 90deg, extend at hip
- Plantarflex foot
Positive => pain in thigh, inguinal region
Further assessments
NV exam of UL, LL
Examine hip and shoulder
Further imaging - Xray/MRI