DNA multiplication Flashcards
The central step of virus multiplication
- From first mRNA → First virion assembly
Give the steps of the eclipse
- Early transcription, translation: Enzymes
- Replication: NA multiplication
- Late transcription, translation: Structural proteins
Multiplication of viral NA is dependent on…
The host cell
The Baltimore system
Classification of viral families according to their NA/multiplication strategy
Give the classifications of the Baltimore system
- dsDNA
- ssDNA
- dsRNA
- +ssRNA
- -ssRNA
- Viruses using reverse transcriptase
Properties of virus multiplication: DNA virus
Nucleic acid similar to cellular genetic material
Properties of virus multiplication: RNA virus
In the cell, RNA doesn’t store information
- Enzyme needed for replication
- RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp)
- Mutations during replication - Quick evolution
Properties of virus multiplication:Coding system
- Monocistronic cell → Separate mRNAs for the proteins
- Virus: Lack of space: Can be polycistronic
Steps of transcription, translation + NA replication: Double-stranded DNA viruses (dsDNA)
- Early transcription
- Early translation
- Replication
- Late transcription, translation
Double-stranded DNA viruses (dsDNA): Early transcription
- Viral DNA enters nucleus
- Cellular transcriptase → mRNA
Which dsDNA viruses don’t use cellular transcriptase?
- Poxvirus
- Asfarviridae family
They use their own viral transcriptase
Multiplication in the cytoplasm
Double-stranded DNA viruses (dsDNA): Early translation
- On the surface of ribosomes → Cellular translation
- Non-structural protein synthesis
Double-stranded DNA viruses (dsDNA): Replication
Viral replicase
- Better than cellular
- High productivity
Double-stranded DNA viruses (dsDNA): Late transcription, translation
- Progeny DNA serves as a template
- High structural protein synthesis
Steps of transcription, translation + NA replication: Single-stranded DNA viruses (ssDNA)
- Transcription
- Translation
- Replication
Single-stranded DNA viruses form…
Self-priming hairpins
- Cellular polymerase synthesises complimentary thread
Single-stranded DNA viruses (ssDNA): Transcription
mRNA synthesis from the coding thread
Single-stranded DNA viruses (ssDNA): Translation
Cellular translation
- Polycistronic mRNA: Enzymatic cleavage
Single-stranded DNA viruses (ssDNA): Replication
- Small genome: No own polymerase
- Cellular polymerase copies dsDNA
- Own thread is eventually removed
Single-stranded DNA virus (ssDNA) examples
- Parvovirus
- Circoviridae family
Multiplication of viruses with a circular genome
e.g Parvovirus
- Multiplication only in S-phase (dividing) cells
- In enterocytes, embryo, bone marrow cells
Dependovirus multiplication
- Uses the replicase of adeno- or herpesviruses