Disease Prevention - Intervention Flashcards
Disease prevention
- Reduce or eliminate exposure to risks that might increase the chances that an individual or group will incur disease, disability, or premature death
Risk factors for disease
- Some can be amendable to change such as family habits
- Others cannot that are genetic
Why is disease prevention important?
- Chronic diseases could be preventable with lifestyle changes focus on prevention of conditions
- Poor diet linked to type 2 diabetes due to high blood pressure high cholesterol
- Increased risk of cancers respiratory musculoskeletal liver disease
- Alcohol related deaths high in deprived
- cost £1 billion of harm
- Emotional and relationship problems
- violence self harm and alcohol poisoning
- Liver diseases
UK guidence
- Spread across the week 14 units
- Advise don’t drink safe for baby
- Occupational smoking 1 in 4 chance compared to profession job
- Doubles heart attacks and causes lung cancers and COPD
- Premature aging
- circulation and fertility
Community pharmacy
- Trusted health and wellbeing hubs
- Patient facing roles offering privacy
Pharmacists roles
- Public awareness campaigns providing leaflets
- Oppertunistics
- Delivering advanced services such as stopping smoking
Antibiotic stewardship
- Getting public appropriate care by giving antibiotics when required checklist
- reason why your having antibiotic allergies and risk factors
Antimicrobial resistance
- Global health threat that antibiotics becomes resistant
MECC (Making Every Contact Count)
- Open question supportive and signposing diffrent conditions
3 approches to health chat
Individuals about their lifestyle and changes they may wish to make, when there is an appropriate opportunity to do so
3 approches to health chat
appropriately on the lifestyle issue/s once raised
3 approches to health chat
Offering information, signposting or referring individuals to the support they need.
- Nicotine-stained fingers are observed, the purchase of a smokers toothpaste or repeated requests for cough remedies
Motivating facts for oppertunistic contacts
- Taste regains after 3 days higher energy level and enable increase length of life
- Risk of vaccination small compared to risk of getting disease themselves
Vaccine efficacy
- Polo elimination from vacinnation
- Misinformation on measles causing hesistancy
Green book
- Information on vaccine
- Chronic diseases and over 65
Sore Throat Test and Treat
- Reduce pressure on GP
- Run through clinical checklist scoring tools swabs
- Strep A bacterial