Digestive system/abdominal quadrants Flashcards
- recycles old blood cells, kills bacteria and other foreign particles, and plays an important role in the immune system.
- part of the lymphatic system
- enlargement of the spleen
- causes can be cancers because of the role the spleen plays in the immune system.
- bile production;
- detoxification of drugs, metabolites, and poisons;
- storage of certain vitamins and nutrients,
- synthesis of blood plasma proteins
- 4 lobes
caudate Lobe
- on the inferior aspect of the liver
- this is posterior on the right lobe
quadrate lobes
- on the inferior aspect of the liver
- this is anterior on the right lobe
why does the inferior vena cava run through the liver
it picks up blood that has been processed by the liver on the way back to the heart
common hepatic artery
- supplies oxygenated blood to the liver
- smaller but thicker walled vessel
- a branch of the celiac trunk
hepatic portal vein
-carries blood from the digestive tract to the liver so that it can be processed and detoxifies
large intestine
-primary function is to absorb water
-has 5 sections:
cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon
- a small structure that shoots off the cecum
- has lymphatic and immune functions.
located along the midline, just to the right of the descending aorta, posterior to the trachea
- transfers food to the stomach and has vertical folds that help aid in the process
inferior esophageal sphincter
- this is at the end of the esophagus
- this is also called the cardiac sphincter
-folds on the interior surface, are clearly visible that help churn and break down the food
the first region of the stomach
cardiac region
-closest to the espohagus
the most superior region of the stomach
the fundus
-this is dome shaped
central region of the stomach
the last portion of the stomach before the small intestine
the pyloric region
pyloric sphincter
a thick sphincter at the end of the stomach just before the small intestine that controls the flow of chyme into the small intestine
splenic artery
the artery that is twisting and winding near the pancreas
- it supplies the spleen, part of the stomach, and part of the pancreas
- it is a branch of the celiac trunk
left gastric artery
- supplies the rest of the stomach and inferior esophagus.
- second half of the celiac trunk
celiac trunk
- the major artery that supplies the stomach, spleen, liver, esophagus, and also parts of the pancreas and duodenum
- it branches off of the decending aorta
gall bladder
- this is typically green
- store bile
common hepatic duct
this carries bile from the liver to the common bile duct
-this merges with the cystic duct
cystic duct
this carries bile from the gall bladder to merge with the common hepatic duct to become the common bile duct
- is light yellow in color and more granular than nearby adipose (fat) tissue
- has endocrine and exocrine secretions that control different aspects of digestion
pancreatic duct
- this carries enzymes and bicarbonate to the small intestines
- this combines with the common bile duct just before they both deposit their components into the duodenum
hepatopancreatic ampulla
- a short but enlarged vessel that the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct meet at just prior to entering the SI
these hold organs in place, store fat, and provide a route for vessels and nerves to reach organs
greater omentum
-lies over the anterior aspect of the abdominal organs
- this is the first part of the small intestine
- lots of folds that important for nutrient absorption
what is the middle part of the small intestine
the jejunum,
- lots of twisting and turning going on here so we are not responsible for specifically identifying it
what is the last part of the small intestine
what is the order that things go in the larger intestine
- cecum
- ascending colon
- reaches the hepatic flexure
- transverse colon
- the splenic flexure
- decending colon
- sigmoid colon
teniae coil
this is the 3 separate ribbons of the smooth muscle on the outside of he ascending, transverse, descending and the sigmoid colon
Upper left quadrant
- stomach
- splenic flexure
- spleen
- pancreas
- left kidney
- left adrenal gland
upper right quadrant
- right kidney
- right adrenal gland
- most of liver
- gall bladder
- duodenum
- pancreas (head)
- hepatic flexure
lower right quadrant
- cecum
- appendix
- most of ascending colon
- most of ileum
- right ovary
lower left quadrant
- left ureter
- sigmoid colon
- most of descending colon
- most of jejunum
- left ovary