diagnosis workshop W1 Flashcards
is the characterstic smoker/ex-smoker ashma or COPD
astma possible
COPD nearly all
is the characterstic symptoms under 35yrs ashma or COPD
asnthma common
COP rare
is the characterstic chronic productive cough ashma or COPD
asmtha uncommon
COPD common
is the characterstic breathlessness ashma or COPD
ashma variable
COPD persistnet and progessive
is the characterstic night time symptoms ashma or COPD
asthma common
COPD uncommon
is the characterstic significant diurnal variation or variation da to day ashma or COPD
asmtha common
COPD uncommon
asthma signs and symptoms
◦ Wheeze
◦ Chest tightness
◦ Breathlessness
◦ Cough
Diurnal variation Atopic history
Absence of signs/symptoms to suggest alternative diagnosis
◦ Allergen exposure
◦ Infection
◦ Exercise
◦ Cold air
◦ Emotion
◦ Medication
high ashtma diagnosis probability
- Typical symptoms
- Recurrent episodes
- Wheeze
- Record of variability
- Atopy
- No suggestion of alternative
Record likely asthma
Start treatment – 6 weeks ICS Reassess symptoms
FEV1/PEF Diagnosis confirmed
intermediate asthma diagnosis probability
- Some but not all typical features
- Do not respond to initial treatment
Spirometry with bronchodilator reversibility test
Repeat tests following ICS treatment
intermediate asthma diagnosis probability
- No typical symptoms
- Alternative diagnosis probable
investiagate further
peak flow
Measurement of volume of air expelled from lungs
Cheap and easy to use
Keep diary
Useful for diagnosis and monitoring
asthma diagnosis red flags
Prominent systemic features
Unexpected clinical features – including crackles, stridor, cyanosis, abnormal voice
Persistent breathlessness
Chronic sputum production
X-Ray shows shadows
COPD diagnosis
Over 35 with risk factor (usually history of smoking) with 1 or more:
Exertional breathlessness
Chronic cough
Regular sputum production
Frequent winter bronchitis
Has patient experienced?:
Weight loss
Reduced ability to exercise
Waking due to breathlessness
Ankle swelling
Chest pain*
*COPD unlikely
Medicines Research Council (MRC) Dyspnoea scale
Grade - Degree of breathlessness related to activities
1 - Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise
2 - Short of breath when hurrying or walking up a slight hill
3 - Walks slower than contemporaries on level ground because of breathlessness, or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace
4 - Stops for breath after walking about 100 metres or after a few minutes on level ground
5 - Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing or undressing
Monitors lung function and diagnoses respiratory conditions
Measures air expelled from lungs
Reversibility testing – given bronchodilator to see if opens airways
Obstruction evident in COPD/asthma
spirometry results
stage 1 (mild) - post bronchodilator <0.7, >80%FEV1
stage 2 (moderate) - post bronchodilator <0.7, 50-79%FEV1
stage 3 (severe) - post bronchodilator <0.7, 30-49%FEV1
stage 4 (very severe) - post bronchodilator <0.7, <30%FEV1