Colloidal Dispersed Fomrulations 4a 4b W2 Flashcards
How do colloidal particles interact?
Non-covalent interactions between molecules and particles are governed by a variety of specific and non-specific interactions.
We are focusing on 3 non-specific interactions
3 non-specific interactions
Van der waals - when adjacent atoms come close enough that their outer electron clouds just barely touch
Electrostatic - the attractive/repulsive force between objects with opposite/identical electric charges
Thermal fluctuation
What is the primary minimum
• the region of highly attractive potential when particles are very close together
• Particles reaching the primary minimum experience overall strong attractive forces and aggregate irreversibly
Not good for pharmaceutical suspensions
What is the primary maximum
• The primary maximum is the region of highly repulsive potential when particles are close together.
• Particles approaching the primary maximum experience overall repulsive forces and remain dispersed as they cannot overcome the energy barrier
Good for pharmaceutical suspensions
What is the secondary minimum
the region of weakly attractive potential when particles are (relatively) far apart.
• Particles experience overall (weaker) attractive forces
• Particles sit in an attractive energy ‘well’ but remain separated from each other by the primary
- particles loosely flocculate but are easily redispersed
Good for pharmaceutical suspensions
What is DLVO interaction
Is a model that describes the interaction between charged surfaces in a liquid,
It explains how particles suspended in a liquid behave and what forces are at play when they approach each other.
The two key forces are:
- Van der Waals forces
- Electrostatic repulsion
How does DLVO model the stability of colloids in aqueous medium
• calculates the overall energy of interaction between particles and predicts their behaviour.
• Overall energy is the sum of attractive (van der Waals) and repulsive (double layer) interactions
• By convention, Vr is positive, Va is negative
Attractive energy (Va) i dominated by….
Van de waals
for two sphericalparticles of radius a can be approximated as:
Vvdw = -(Aa/12D)
A = Hamaker constant for the particle material
and medium (~10-20 J)
a = particle radius (~10-9 -10-5 m)
D = interparticle distance (~10-9 -10-5 m)
Electric Double Layer Force is created by
Repulsion between the diffuse layers of the 2 (liked charged) particles
Ves = Z x a x e^-kD
a constant (Z),
a geometric term (a)
and a decay rate (e-κD)
This is a form of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation
Charges on a particle
Stern layer
- fixed layer of tightly bound counterions
- one hydrated ion radius deep
Shear surface
- boundary between the fixed and diffuse layers
- diffuse layer o weakly bound counterions
- may extend up to 1-10nm
Electric double layer
- the stern and gouy layers together