Colliodal Dispersed Formulations 1 W2 Flashcards
What are dispersed systems
2 phase system in which an insoluble or immiscible dispersed phase Is distributed through a continuous phase
What is amoxicillin
Broad spectrum pencilling type antibiotic
o Severe infections of the ear, nose and throat
o Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
o Community acquired pneumonia
o Lyme disease
o Bacterial meningitis
- It can be delivered as tablets or capsules but also as a liquid, orally or intravenously.
Solubility and dose of amoxicillin
o Its solubility in water is pH-dependent, ranging from 1.7 mg/mL (4.7 mM) at pH 5.5 to 8.5 mg/mL (23 mM) at pH 7.5.
o The lowest available dosage form is 125mg/5mL, or 25 mg/mL, well above its aqueous solubility.
o it rapidly degrades in aqueous solution
How can Amoxicillin be used in a liquid formulation?
Shake powder and mix with water to make a liquid suspension
What is calpol
an OTC paediatric formulation of paracetamol
o is a liquid-based formulation
o Paracetamol is very bitter-tasting, and It’s solubility in water is about 14 mg/mL, less than
the dose required (120 mg/5 mL, i.e. 24 mg/mL)…
What is gaviscon
is an OTC medicine for acid reflux and indigestion
o Its active ingredients are: sodium alginate and potassium hydrogen carbonate
o The potassium hydrogen carbonate is an antacid,
which neutralises the stomach pH.
o But alginate is the key ingredient
Alginates and rafts
o alginate gels at low pH, so it forms a raft on
top of the stomach contents, stopping splashing
back up into the oesophagus.
o To form an effective raft, doses of 250 mg / 10 mL
are delivered.
o Alginate’s solubility is pH-dependent (lowest in acidic pH -> gel-forming ability in stomach)
o Maximum solubility of alginate at pH 6-8 is 10 mg/mL
What is a suspension
2 phase dispersed system with a solid dispersed layer and a liquid continuous phase
Gas continuous phase and gas dispersed phase
Liquid continuous phase and gas dispersed phase
Beer, carbndated drinks, whipped cream
Solid continuous phase and gas dispersed phase
Solid foams
Lab, sponges, cakes
Gas continuous phase and liquid dispersed phase
Fog, clouds, sprays, sneeze
Liquid continuous phase and liquid dispersed phase
Emulsions, creams
Milk, salad dressing, blood, paint
Solid continuous phase and liquid dispersed phase
Butter, cheese, jam
Gas continuous phase and solid dispersed phase
Smoke, dust, air