Clinically significant___________ are those that cause decreased survival of RBCs possessing the target antigen.
A. autoantibodies
B. alloantibodies
C. antibodies
D. nota
Clinically significant alloantibodies are those that cause decreased survival of RBCs possessing the target antigen.
These antibodies are typically IgG antibodies that react at 37°C and/or at the antihuman globulin (AHG) phase of the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT).
which of the unexpected antibodies is produced in response to RBC stimulation through transfusion, transplantation, or pregnancy
a. immune alloantibodies
b. naturally occurring alloantibodies
c. passively acquired antibodies
d. auto antibodies
immune alloantibodies
which are produced in RESPONSE TO RBC STIMULATION through transfusion, transplantation, or pregnancy
which of the unexpected antibodies is produced WITHOUT response to RBC stimulation
a. immune alloantibodies
b. naturally occurring alloantibodies
c. passively acquired antibodies
d. auto antibodies
Naturally occurring alloantibodies
- produced without RBC stimulation
- Result of exposure to environmental sources, such as pollen, fungus, and bacteria, which have structures similar to some RBC antigens
which of the unexpected Antibodies produced in one individual and then transmitted to another individual via plasma containing blood components or derivatives such as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
a. immune alloantibodies
b. naturally occurring alloantibodies
c. passively acquired antibodies
d. auto antibodies
Passively acquired antibodies
Antibodies produced in one individual and then transmitted to another individual via plasma containing blood components or derivatives such as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
which of the unexpected antibodies directed against antigens expressed on one’s own RBCs and
generally react with all RBCs tested
a. immune alloantibodies
b. naturally occurring alloantibodies
c. passively acquired antibodies
d. auto antibodies
Autoantibodies are antibodies directed against antigens expressed on one’s own RBCs and
generally react with all RBCs tested
in tube method how many drops of patient plasma
a. 1 drops
b. 2 drops
c. 3 drops
d. 4 drops
1drop of Reagent Known RBC suspension (2 to 5%) + 2 drops Patient plasma —→Incubate → wash (3to4x) –→ centrifuge and observe for hemolysis or agglutination
it increases the degree of sensitization
a. AHG reagents
b. enhancement reagent
c. known rbc
d. nota
Enhancement reagent may be added to the test tube prior to incubation at 37°C to increase the degree of sensitization
The RBC reagents /screen cells used in antibody screen testing come from________________ who have been typed for the most common and the most significant RBC antigens.
a. BG a
b. BG O
c. BG B
The RBC reagents /screen cells used in antibody screen testing come from group O individuals who have been typed for the most common and the most significant RBC antigens.
Controlled centrifugation red cells through ________________ and appropriate reagents, predispensed in specially designed microtube
a. AHG reagent
b. enhancement reagent
c. dextran acrylamide gel
Controlled centrifugation red cells through DEXTRAN ACRYLAMIDE GEL and appropriate reagents, predispensed in specially designed microtube
which of the ff is not for gel technology
a. dat
b. abo reverse typing
c. antibody screening
d. compatibility testing
answer : NOTA
gel technoogy
Can do ABO forward and reverse grouping, Rh typing, DAT, Antibody screening, Antibody identification, and Compatibility testing
what is the centrifugation time for gel technology
a. 10mins
b. 15 mins
c. 20 mins
d. 20 secs
gel technology
centrifugation time
10 mins
incubation time
15 mins
what is the incubation time for gel technology
a. 10mins
b. 15 mins
c. 20 mins
d. 20 secs
gel technology
centrifugation time
10 mins
incubation time
15 mins
what is the grading in gel technology that is Solid band of agglutinated red cells at the top of the gel column. Usually no red cells are visible in the bottom of the microtube
a. 4+
b. 3+
c. 2+
d. 1+
solid band of agglutinaeted red cells at the top band
what is the grading in gel technology that is Predominant amount of agglutinated red cells towards the top of the gel column with a few agglutinates staggered below the thicker band.
a. 4+
b. 3+
c. 2+
d. 1+
Predominant amount of agglutinated red cells towards the top of the gel column with a few agglutinates staggered below the thicker band.
majority of the agglutinates are observed at the TOPHALF of the gel
what is the grading in gel technology that is Red cell agglutinates dispersed throughout the gel column with few agglutinates at the bottom of the microtubes..
a. 4+
b. 3+
c. 2+
d. 1+
red cell agglutinates DISPERSED throughout the gel column with FEW AGGLUTINATES AT THE BUTTOM
what test method is for detecting RBC antigen and antibodies
a. tube method
b. gel technology
c. solid phase technology
d. affinity column technology
Solid phase technology
- for detecting antigen and antibodies
- can do antibody screening, antibody identification and compatibility testing
what test method is to adhere IgG sensitized erythrocytes to an immunologically active matrix
a. tube method
b. gel technology
c. solid phase technology
d. affinity column technology
➢ Principle of affinity adherence of IgG sensitized erythrocytes to an immunologically active matrix
➢ Can do antibody screening, antibody identification, and compatibility testing
A positive antibody screen and a negative autologous control indicates that an________ has been detected
a. alloantibodies
b. alloantibodies
autologous control
- The autologous control is the patient’s RBCs tested against the patient’s serum in the same manner as the antibody screen
- A positive antibody screen and a negative autologous control indicates that an alloantibody has been detected
react best at the AHG phase
a. IgM
b. IgG
c. Multiple antibodies
d. Autologous control
- react best at room temperature or lower
- capable on causing agglutination of saline suspended RBCs
- react best at AHG phase
process used to physically remove antibodies from sera
a. antibody adsorption
b. antibody elution
c. nota
d. aota
- Adsorption is a process used to physically remove antibodies from sera.
- The adsorption procedure may be performed using washed and/or enzyme-treated autologous RBCs, phenotypically matched allogeneic cells, cells selected to be positive for a specific combination of blood group antigens, or RBC stroma.
is the process used to remove antibodies bound to RBCs, as indicated by a positive DAT.
a. antibody adsorption
b. antibody elution
c. nota
d. aota
- Elution is the process used to remove antibodies bound to RBCs, as indicated by a positive DAT.
- Elution is commonly used to concentrate and solubilize antibodies from RBCs for subsequent identification studies.
- The elution of an antibody with KNOWN BG / DRUG DRUG SPECIFICTY can be diagnostic in the evaluation of acute and delayed HTR, HDFN, AIHA, and immune hemolytic anemia induced by medication