Dermatology Flashcards
Smooth, flat or raised lesion, velvety “stuck on” look.
Found: face, shoulders, chest and back.
Seborrheic Keratosis
What reaction is a delayed (cell mediated), morbiliform rash like Erythema Multiforme?
Type IV
Rough, dry, scaly, erythematous PAPULES/PLAQUES on sun exposed areas.
Actinic Keratosis
Tx for Actinic Keratosis
1st- Observe
Then- cryosurgery, dermabrasion.
Medical- Top. 5-Fluorouracil, Imiquimod
VERY itchy PAPULES that grow, tense blisters/bullae. DO NOT extend with pressure.
Bullous Pemphigold
Bullous Pemphigold Tx
Steroids and immunosuppressants
PAINFUL flaccid skin bullae that rupture and bleed easily. (+) oral mucosa and ulcers
(+) Nik
Pemphigus Vulgaris
Pemphigus Vulgaris Tx
1st: ADMIT, Systemic HIGH steroid
Then- Methotrexate.
Wound care. 2ry infxn- Abx.
Non-healing red, scaly papule/plaque that does NOT itch. Ulcerates.
MC sun exposed areas.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Paronychia Tx
1st- I and D
If cellulitis present- Abx, warm soaks.
What would we see on a Varicella Zoster (Shingles) Tzanch Smear?
Multinucleated GIANT cells
Frostbite Tx
Rapid rewarming in warm H2O
Erythema, papules, pustules on newborn (2-5 days old).
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum
Psoriasis Tx
1st- Top. steroids
Which tinea infections require systemic treatment?
Capitis and Unguium (Onychomycosis)
What is Tinea Corporis?
Tinea Cruris
Jock itch
Tinea Unguium (Onychomycosis) Tx
1st- Terbinafine or Griseofulvin
Terbinafine: monitor liver before and during.
Genital Herpes Simplex Dx
1st- clinical
GOLD- tissue (viral) culture with PCR
Melanoma Dx
Full-thick wide (elliptical) EXCISIONAL bx + lymph node
Community-Acquired MRSA Tx
Doxy (Tetracyline)
Fever of at least 5 days + 4 of the following:
1) peripheral extremity changes (erythema of palms and soles or desquamation of digits)
2) polymorphous rash
3) oropharyngeal changes (erythema, fissures, strawberry tongue)
4) Bilateral conjunctival injection
5) Cervical adenopathy
Kawasaki Disease Dx
Kawasaki Disease Tx
Scabies Tx
Permethrin 5% Cream.
Itching can last up to 2 wks after Tx.
What skin condition is associated with Myasthenia Gravis?
Pemphigus Vulgaris
What is the Tx for Vitiligo with <20% body affected?
Top. Tacrolimus 0.1%;
What is the Tx for Vitiligo with 20-25% body affected?
Narrowband UVB or PO PUVA therapy
Molluscum Contagiosum cause
Tx for Molluscum Contagiosum
-Observe, reassure.
-Severe: Top. Retinoids
When do we give Antivenin for a Black Widow Spider bite?
Only if severe sx or unresponsive to opioids/benzos (1st line).
What is the MC viral infection associated with Erythema Multiforme?
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
What is the MC bacterial infection associated with Erythema Multiforme?
Blistering at the tip of the nose associated with Herpes Zoster infection. Usually with a post ophthalmic involvement.
Hutchinson’s Sign
What is the MC patho of Erysipelas?
STREP pyogenes
Pearly papule with rolled borders and telangiectasia
Basal Cell Carcinoma
This skin condition is common in pregnancy and OCP use.
Melasma (Chloasma in pregnancy)
Scaly, greasy, yellow-pink-red patches macerated on scalp, ears, face, chest, groin.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic Dermatitis Tx
- On scalp, remove dry flaky skin with a soft brush after using oil or petrolatum.
- OTC dandruff shampoo.
Severe: Top. corticosteroids or Ketoconazole cream.
What is a complication in Seborrheic Dermatitis?
In dark infants, post-inflammatory hypopigmentation.
Patient presents with flushing of face and telangiectasia, especially after eating hot, spicy food. What is her dx?
Rosacea Tx
Top. Metronidazole
What is the age guideline for varicella zoster vaccine?
Healthy adult >50 yo
Maculopapular RED rash that starts on HEAD and spreads downwards. Lasts 7 days.
Measles (Rubeola).
+) Koplik spots (ALWAYS!
Pink, light-red spotted maculopapular rash on face and spreads to extremities (lasts 3 days).
Rubella (German)
Pediculosis Capitis Tx
Top. Permethrin.
Head lice
Psoriasis is found on extensor or flexor surfaces?
Extensor: front of knee, back of elbow. Stretches skin.
What reaction is an immediate IgE mediated, like urticaria and angioedema?
Type I
Topical Tretinoin SE
Skin irritation
Topical steroid SE
Skin atrophy (long-term use)
Topical Tretinoin CI
Pityriasis Rosea Tx
Top. corticosteroids or PO antihistamines for itching.
Pityriasis (Tinea) Versicolor Tx
Top. Selenium Sulfide
Pityriasis (Tinea) Versicolor Prophy
Monthly application of:
- Propylene glycol
- Selenium shampoo
- Azole creams
What do you call an HSV infection involving the terminal digits of the hand?
Herpetic whitlow
Where would we find cafe au lait macules?
Mgmt for human bite to prevent infection
1st: Irrigate
2nd: Augmentin
With burns, what is the mgmt?
1st: ABCs (consider intubation early)
Dry, dark scab or falling away of dead skin, usu. D/T burn. Name?
Tx for Chronic Urticaria
Nortriptyline (tricyclic antidepressants)
Tx for Seborrheic Keratosis
Liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy), curettage, shave removal.
What reaction is an immune antibody-antigen complex, like serum sickness or drug-mediated vasculitis?
Type III
Tx for Contact Dermatitis
Mild- -Calamine lotion OR -Topical steroid + PO antihistamine. --------------------------------- Mod to severe- PO steroids x3 wks, taper.
What is the mgmt for elemental metal burns, including dry lime, elemental metals (Na+, K, Lith, Phos) or Phenol?
Cover affected area in mineral oil, sand, or foam from extinguisher
Subcutaneous red tender nodules. Dx?
Erythema Nodosum
What skin condition is characterized by epidermal hyperplasia and an increase in the epidermal turnover?
When should sutures of the face be taken out? What about of the eyelids?
Face: 5 days
Eyelids: 3 days
Tx for Impetigo
Topical Mupirocin
Post-op fever on day 5-7 would likely be D/T:
Wound infection
Dx for Contact Dermatitis
Patch test
Tx for mod-severe Psoriasis
UVB, Methotrexate