Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI, and VII (F) Flashcards
What branches does CN VII give off after passing through the facial canal (and what do they innervate)?
- stapedial nerve (to stapedius)
- chorda tympani (taste to body of tongue)
- greater superficial petrosal (para to lacrimal gland)
- sensory branch to ear drum and canal
Where does the CN VII exit the skull? 1. What does it pass through? 2. What does it then branch into? 3
- sylomastoid foramen
- parotid gland
- temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, and cervical branches
Where does the CN VII exit the skull? 1. What does it pass through? 2. What does it then branch into? 3
- sylomastoid foramen
- parotid gland
- temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, and cervical branches
What fiber types are in the motor fiber of CN VII? 1. In the Nervus intermedius? 2
What does the superior vestibular of CN VIII innervate? 1. The inferior vestibular of VIII? 2
- utricle, anterior semicircular canal, lateral semicircular canal
- saccule, posterior semicircular canal
What is the result to damage to the stapedial nerve off CN VII?
hyperacusia (sensitive to loud noises)
Where does the chorda tympani of CN VII synapse? 1. What type of fiber is it? 2. What does it innervate? 3
- submandibular
- SVA of body of tongue
- submandibular/sublingual glands
What is different about the attachments of facial muscles compared to other types of skeletal muscles?
attach to skin,not bone
Are surgical incisions on the face generally done parallel or perpendicular to the facial muscle orientation?
About one in how many people develop Bells Palsy?
1 in 65
About one in how many people develop Bells Palsy?
1 in 65
About one in how many people develop Bells Palsy?
1 in 65
What is the movement of one eye called?
What is the movement of two eyes in the same direction called?
What is the movement of two eye in the opposite direction called?
What happens to a patient with an SO palsy when their head is tilted to the side of the palsy?
supraduction of affect eye because SR fires without any cancellation in the form of infraduction from the SO
What happens to a patient with an SO palsy when their head is tilted to the side of the palsy?
supraduction of affect eye because SR fires without any cancellation in the form of infraduction from the SO
Where is the Parapontine Reticular Formation (PPRF) located in relation to CN VI? 1. What does it innervate? 2. If damaged, what is the result? 3
- immediately ventral to VI nucleus
- ipsilateral LR (VI) and contralateral MR (III)
- cannot make voluntary eye movements to ipsilesional side. Involuntary still work
Where is the Parapontine Reticular Formation (PPRF) located in relation to CN VI? 1. What does it innervate? 2. If damaged, what is the result? 3
- immediately ventral to VI nucleus
- ipsilateral LR (VI) and contralateral MR (III)
- cannot make voluntary eye movements to ipsilesional side. Involuntary still work
What is the head turn of a patient with LR palsy?
Turn head to same side