Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What is the most rostral part of the brainstem anteriorly?
Mammilary Bodies
What is the function of the mamillary bodies?
Spatial and episodic memory
CN 12
Hypoglossal (M)
CN 11
Accessory (M)
CN 10
Vagus (B)
CN 9
Glossopharyngeal (B)
CN 8
Vestibulochochlear (S)
CN 7
Facial (B)
CN 6
Abducens (M)
CN 5
Trigeminal (B)
CN 4
Trochlear (M)
CN 3
Oculomotor (M)
CN 2
Optic (S)
CN 1
Olfactory (S)
What is the rule of 4 and show its application?
4 Nerves Before the Pons (only 3-4 at midbrain)
4 Nerves at the Pons
4 Nerves after the Pons
in terms of columns in the brainstem, what is more medial motor or sensory?
How many columns are in the motor division and what are they?
3 And from medial to lateral
Somatic —> Branchial —> Visceral
What is the Somatic Strip?
Muscles that can be controlled voluntarily
What is the branchial strip?
Muscles of the face
What is the visceral strip?
in charge of innervation of visceral structures
In terms of the Midbrain - Pons - Medulla - SC what nerves come out at each level in the somatic strip of the motor division
3,4 - 6 - 12 - 0
In terms of the Midbrain - Pons - Medulla - SC what nerves come out at each level in the branchial strip of the motor division
0 - 5(V3),7 - 9,10 - 11
V3=Mastication Mandibular Rami
In terms of the Midbrain - Pons - Medulla - SC what nerves come out at each level in the visceral strip of the motor division
3 - 7 - 9,10 - 0
What nucleus is in charge of the parasympathetic component of the CN 3
Edinger Westfal
What nucleus is in charge of the parasympathetic component of the CN 7
Sup Salivatory Nucleus
What nucleus is in charge of the parasympathetic component of the CN 9
Inf Salivatory Nucleus
What is the name of the nucleus for the branchial component of CNs 9 and 10? Where is it located?
Nucleus Ambiguus
At the level of the medulla behind the Inferior Olive
What facial muscle does CN 9 controls?
What facial muscle does CN 10 controls?
Levator Palati
How many columns does the sensory division has?
3, they come lateral to the motor division
in the sensory division what is most medial and what is most lateral?
From medial to lateral
Visceral –> Somatic —> Special Sensory
In terms of the Midbrain - Pons - Medulla what nerves come out at each level in the visceral strip of the sensory division
0 - 7 - 9,10 (7,9,10 form a large continuous nucleus)
The common nucleus for the CNs 7,9,10 is called and is located at the level of —-
Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS)
Pons and medulla
In terms of the Midbrain - Pons - Medulla what nerves come out at each level in the somatic strip of the sensory division
5 - 5,7 - 9,10 (5,7,9,10 form one big nucleus spanning from the most distal part of the pons to the medulla)
The nucleus Tractus Solitarius most rostrally is formed by the (1) and more caudally by the (2)
1 Gustatory Nucleus
2 Visceral Sensory
Gustatory Nucleus receives information by the Nerves
Visceral Sensory information of the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius comes from the nerves (1) and is information from (2)
9 –> Baroreceptors, chemoreceptors from carotid body and sinus
10 –> Heart and abdominal Visceral
What type of information and from where does the somatic sensory Strip receives information from?
5 –> face and Mucosa of the mouth and nose
7,9,10 –> skin behind ear and external auditory meatus
In terms of the Midbrain - Pons - Medulla what nerves come out at each level in the special sensory strip of the sensory division
0 - 8 - 8 (8 is one nucleus spanning from one area to the next)
What nerves come from the anterior cranial fossa?
Cribiform Plate –> 1
What nerves come from the middle cranial fossa?
Optic Canal –> 2
Superior Orbital Fissure –> 3,4,5(V1),6
What nerves come from the posterior cranial fossa?
Internal Acoustic Meatus —> 7,8
Jugular Foramen –> 9,10,11
Hypoglossal Foramen –> 12
How many nuclei does the trigeminal nerve have?
4 Mesencephalic --> Propioception Chief Sensory * Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus (STN) ---> Pain * Motor Nucleus * sensory info from face and head
the motor part of the trigeminal nerve travels via which division of the nerve?
The mandibular Division
the motor action of CN 7 is to
Face and the Stapedius Muscle (Dampening of sound)
the sensory and parasympathetic action of CN7 is via what nerve
Nervus intermedius
the sensory information of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and small part of the external auditory meatus travel via
CN 7
where do the terminal branches of CN 7 originate and what are they?
in the parotid gland
Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Mandibular, Cervical
Parasympathetic innervation of CN7 is to the
Lacrimal Gland
the sensory information of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue travels via the
Glosopharyngeal nerve (9)
the sensory information of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue, pharynx, middle ear, and carotid body (visceral) travels via the
Glosopharyngeal nerve (9)
The motor supply of the Glosopharyngeal nerve (9) is given to which muscle?
Visceral Motor supply given by the Glosopharyngeal nerve (9) is to the
Parotid Gland (parasympathetic)
Motor supply of the vagus nerve is given to
soft palate, pharynx, larynx, upper oesophagus, palatoglossus (tongue muscle)
Visceral sensory information of the vagus nerve comes from
baro- and chemoreceptors of the aortic arch
What nerve gives nerve supply to the vocal cords?
Recurrent Laryngeal (branch of 10)
what is the afferent, efferent of the PUPILLARY REFLEX and what brain structure does it test for?
A: Optic Nerve
E: Oculomotor
Tests 4: Midbrain Function
what is the afferent, efferent of the CORNEAL BLINK REFLEX and what brain structure does it test for?
A: Ophthalmic Branch of Trigeminal Nerve (V1)
E: Facial (orbicularis Oculi)
Tests 4: Pons Function
what is the afferent, efferent of the GAG REFLEX and what brain structure does it test for?
A: Glossopharyngeal
E: Vagus
Tests 4: Medullary Function
CN 12 controls…
intrinsic/extrinsic muscles of the tongue
if the accessory nerve is damaged the patient cannot turn the head towards the ipsilateral/contralateral side
towards the contralateral side of the lesioned nerve
Trigeminal nerve is for
sensation of the face, muscle of mastication, and tensor tympani muscle