CP Neurology Flashcards
Where are the four primary restriction points of the esophagus?
At the…
Cricopharyngeus muscle
Arch of the aorta
Left main bronchus
Passage of the esophagus through the diaphragm
What major nerve does the left recurrent laryngeal nerve come off of?
The left vagus nerve
What nerve contributes to the anterior vagal trunk?
Left vagus nerve
What nerve contributes to the posterior vagal trunk?
Right vagus nerve
What three cervical nerves supply the phrenic nerve?
C3, C4, C5
Where will you find the phrenic nerve near to the heart?
Almost “buried in the heart.”
Between the fibrous pericardium and the mediastinal parietal pleura
What are the atypical intercostal nerves?
What are the three major branches of the intercostal nerves?
Lateral cutaneous branches
Muscular branches
Anterior cutaneous branches
(rami communicans and collaterals, too)
Why does the anterior ramus of the 1st thoracic spinal nerve make an atypical intercostal nerve?
Because most of the 1st thoracic spinal nerve joins with the brachial plexus.
Why is the second intercostal nerve atypical?
Because it makes a cutaneous branch that joins with “a brachial component” to make the intercostobrachial nerve
Why are intercostal nerves 7-11 atypical?
As they run around the ribs, they continue past the ribs and become thoracoabdominal nerves
Where is the lateral horn of the spinal cord found?
What do we call a presynaptic nerve fiber heading to a prevertebral ganglion?
A Splanchnic nerve
What are the five major divisions of the parasympathetic element of the vagus nerve in the thorax?
Superior cardiac branch
Middle cardiac branch
Inferior cardiac branch
Pulmonary branches
Esophageal branches
What are the sympathetic and parasympathetic contributions to the:
Pulmonary plexus
Sympathetic: Pulmonary splanchnic nerves
Parasympathetic: Pulmonary branch of the vagus nerve
What are the sympathetic and parasympathetic contributions to the:
Superficial and Deep Cardiac Plexus
Sympathetic: Cardiac Splanchnic Nerves
Parasympathetic: Superior, Middle, and Inferior Cardiac branches of the vagus nerve.
The aortic plexus has the same sympathetic and parasympathetic contribution as what other plexus?
The cardiac plexus
(Cardiac splanchnic nerves / Superior, middle, and inferior cardiac branches of the vagus nerve.)
What are the sympathetic and parasympathetic contributions to the:
Esophageal Plexus
Sympathetic: Greater splanchnic nerve
Parasympathetic: Esophageal branches of the vagus nerve
What are the regions of the esophagus?
Cervical Part
Thoracic Part: T1-esophageal hiatus of diaphragm
Abdominal Part
What are the upper and lower sphincters of the esophagus?
At the Cricopharyngeus M. (Upper esophageal constrictor)
At the Esophageal Hiatus of the Thoracic Diaphragm (Lower esophageal sphincter)
What are three other branches off of the Vagus N.?
Left Recurrent Laryngeal N. (Loops under Lig. Arteriosum)
Anterior Vagal Trunk
Posterior Vagal Trunk
The PNS has limited distribution in the head/neck/trunk, whereas sympathetic innervation
distributes to all vascular areas of the body and contributes indirectly to non-sweat gland secretions through vasoconstriction
Glandular secretion is stimulated by
PNS (except sweat glands)
Are the coronary arteries sympathetically stimulated to vasoconstrict?