Consciousness Flashcards
Our awareness of ourselves & our environment
REM Sleep
Rapid eye movement A recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur Paradoxical sleep Muscles are relaxed Body systems are active
Alpha waves
The relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed ; awake state
Periodic , natural loss of consciousness
As distinct from unconsciousness resulting from a coma , anesthesia , or hibernation
False sensory experiences
Seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus
Delta waves
The large , slow brain waves associated w deep sleep
NREM sleep
Non rapid eye movement sleep ; encompasses all sleep stages except for R.E.M. sleep
Causing overwhelming daytime tiredness
Emotions triggers
Breathing repeatedly stops & starts
Night terrors
A sleep disorder characterized by a high arousal & an appearance of being terrified ; union dreams , within two or three hours of falling asleep & aren’t remembered
A sequence of images , emotions , & thoughts passing through a sleeping persons mind
Hallucinatory imagery
Discontinuities & incongruities
Manifest content
According to Freud
The remembered story line of a dream as distinct from its manifest
Latent content
According to Freud , the underlying meaning of a dream
As distinct from its manifest
R.E.M. Bound
The tendency for R.E.M. Sleep to increase the following R.E.M. Sleep deprivation
Created by repeated awakening during R.E.M. Sleep
A social interaction in which one person suggests to another that certain perceptions , feelings , thighs , & behaviors
Posthypnotic suggestions
A suggestion made during a hypnosis session , to be carried out after the subject is no long hypnotized ; used by some clinicians to help undesired symptoms & behaviors
A split consciousness which allowed some thoughts & behaviors to occur w others
Psychoactive drug
A chemical substance that alters perceptions & moods
The diminishing effect w regular use of the same dose of a drug , requiring the user to take larger doses before experiencing the drugs effect
The discomfort & distress that follow discounting the use of addictive drug
Physical dependence
Must take the drug to avoid withdraw symptoms
Psychological dependence
A psychological need to use a drug , such as to relieve negative emotions
Compulsive drug craving & use , despite adverse consequences
Drugs that reduce activity & slow body functions