Consciousness Flashcards
Our awareness of ourselves & our environment
REM Sleep
Rapid eye movement A recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur Paradoxical sleep Muscles are relaxed Body systems are active
Alpha waves
The relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed ; awake state
Periodic , natural loss of consciousness
As distinct from unconsciousness resulting from a coma , anesthesia , or hibernation
False sensory experiences
Seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus
Delta waves
The large , slow brain waves associated w deep sleep
NREM sleep
Non rapid eye movement sleep ; encompasses all sleep stages except for R.E.M. sleep
Causing overwhelming daytime tiredness
Emotions triggers
Breathing repeatedly stops & starts
Night terrors
A sleep disorder characterized by a high arousal & an appearance of being terrified ; union dreams , within two or three hours of falling asleep & aren’t remembered
A sequence of images , emotions , & thoughts passing through a sleeping persons mind
Hallucinatory imagery
Discontinuities & incongruities
Manifest content
According to Freud
The remembered story line of a dream as distinct from its manifest
Latent content
According to Freud , the underlying meaning of a dream
As distinct from its manifest
R.E.M. Bound
The tendency for R.E.M. Sleep to increase the following R.E.M. Sleep deprivation
Created by repeated awakening during R.E.M. Sleep
A social interaction in which one person suggests to another that certain perceptions , feelings , thighs , & behaviors
Posthypnotic suggestions
A suggestion made during a hypnosis session , to be carried out after the subject is no long hypnotized ; used by some clinicians to help undesired symptoms & behaviors
A split consciousness which allowed some thoughts & behaviors to occur w others
Psychoactive drug
A chemical substance that alters perceptions & moods
The diminishing effect w regular use of the same dose of a drug , requiring the user to take larger doses before experiencing the drugs effect
The discomfort & distress that follow discounting the use of addictive drug
Physical dependence
Must take the drug to avoid withdraw symptoms
Psychological dependence
A psychological need to use a drug , such as to relieve negative emotions
Compulsive drug craving & use , despite adverse consequences
Drugs that reduce activity & slow body functions
Types of depressants
Drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system , reducing anxiety but impairing memory & judgment
Opium & its derivatives
They depress neural activity , temporarily lessening pain & anxiety
Types of opiates
Drugs that excite neural activity & speed up the body functions
Types of stimulants
Caffeine Nicotine Amphetamines Cocaine Ecstasy
Drugs that stimulate neural activity causing sped up body functions & associated energy & mood changes
A powerful addictive drug that stimulates the central nervous system , w speed up body functions & associated energy & mood changes
Reduce baseline dopamine levels
Near death experience
An altered state of consciousness reported after a close brush w death
Often similar to drug induced hallucinations
Cardiac arrest
The major active ingredient in marijuana
Triggers a variety of effects
Including mild hallucinations
The powers of a hypnotist have over hypnotized subject ?
Doesn’t enhance recall of forgotten events
False memories
Cannot force people to act against their will , may perform unlikely acts
Can help relieve pain
Aims to help people uncover problem causing thoughts & feelings to change an unwanted behavior
What is true bout daydreaming
It occurs bOut spontaneously
Which states that consciousness occurs when one person suggest to another that certain thoughts or behaviors will occur
What is closely associated w the split in consciousness that allowed some thoughts & behaviors to occur simultaneously w other
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
A pair of cell clusters in the hypothalamus that controls circadian rhythm
Causes pineal gland to adjust to melatonin production
How do our biological rhythms influence our daily functioning
Our bodies have a clock
Circadian rhythm in our daily patterns of body temp , arousal , sleeping , & waking
What can alter daily patterns
Age & experience
How often do we cycle through the four stages
Every ninety minutes
Stage one
First five to ten mins
Leaving alpha waves of the wake
Relaxed stage
Sensation of floating or falling
Stage two
Spend most the time in
Lasting bout 20 mins
Sleep spindles
Stage three
Lasting bout thirty mins
W large delta waves
Growth hormone
Immune system
Where do most dreams occur in
The R.E.M. stage
Outward paralysis
During a normal night sleep
NREM stage 3 sleep shortens & REM & NREM 2 sleep lengthens
Sleep helps w
Restoring & repairing damaged neurons
Strengthen neural connections that building memories
Festive problem solving
Human growth gland
What represents a circadian rhythm
Body temp rises each day as morning approaches
In what state are you likely to experience hypnagogic sensations of falling
What sleep theories emphasizes sleep role in restoring & repairing brain tissues
Recurring problems in falling or staying asleep
How does sleep loss affect us
Causes us to be tired , irritability & impairs concentration , productivity & memory
Can lead to depression , obesity , joint pain , suppressed immune system & slowed performance
Freud wish fulfillment
Dream provide a psychic safety value w mannifest content
Info processing
Dreams help us sort out the days events & puts then in memory
activation synthesis
The brain attempts to make sense of neural static by weaving it into a story line
Cognitive development
Dreams reflect the dreamers level of development
Effects of opiates are similar to
Three major categories of drugs
How long does the brain keep an accurate count of sleep debt for
A least two weeks
Substance use disorder
Continued substance craving & use despite of life disruption & physical risk
A powerful & addictive stimulant
Producing alertness & euphoria
A synthetic stimulant & mild hallucinogen
Produces euphoria & social intimacy
Short health risks & longer serotonin producing neurons
powerful hallucinogenic drug
What do psychoactive drugs alter
Perceptions & moods
Can produce tolerance & withdrawl
What is a drug that is an opiate
Non conscious
Body processes that we are not aware of ; but are active
Info out of awareness : but memories are easily accessible
Info out of awareness , memories aren’t easily accessible
Info out of awareness : no actual memories may even exists , though behavior is affected
Free running circadian rhythm
Experiments in when all environmental time cues are removed
No flow , light is controlled
Jet lag
Crossing time zones disrupt circadian rhythms & produce fatigue
Body restoration
Quiet , dreamless sleep
Mind restoration
Pre sleep
Transition from wakefulness to sleep
Hypnagogic hallucinations & myoglobin jerks
Sleep spindles
Quick bursts of brain activity that last for a sec
Stage four
Slow delta waves
15 mins or more to regain consciousness
Sleep disorders
Sleep bruxism
Grinding the teeth during sleep
Nighttime loss of bladder control
What waves when we’re stressed ?
Waves in REM
Alpha & beta
Big word for sleep walking
Occur toward mornings
REM sleep
What’s more common : dreaming or sleep thinking ?
Sleep thinking
Lucid dream
Act of consciously perceiving and recognizing that one is dreaming
Enabling more control of content
Drug rebound effect
Withdrawal symptoms are opposite to drugs active
Some states occur spontaneously
Some are physiologically induced
Food or oxygen
Some are psychological induced
Sensory deprivation
What can sleep deprivation lead to
REM rebound
which of these drugs, which acts as both a stimulant and a hallucinogen, can also cause dangerous dehydration?