Communicable Diseases Flashcards
How are diseases caused by viruses are transmitted in humans
- inhalation of coughs and snnezes (Measles)
- exchange of bodily fluids or sex (AIDS caused by HIV)
How are viral and fungi disease in plants transmitted
- spores can be carried by wind
- in droplets falling from infectious plants after it rains
- contact with diseased plants.
- Insects eating diseases plants then healthy ones, passing on virus.
- Soil that infected plants have grown in are infectious
How are bacterial diseases transmitted in human
- Bacteria living in dead animals that we eat that aren’t washed
- unprotected sex
How are fungal diseases transmitted in humans
Infections from fungus
How are protists diseases transmitted in humans
Protists are parasites, so can be spread by mosquitos sucking blood and laying eggs in your blood stream
How can spread of disease be reduced?
Washing food
Avoiding contact with eyes or nose from hand
Protected sex
Good hygiene
What are Pathogens
Pathogens are microorganisms that cause infectious disease. pathogens may be viruses, bacteria, protists or fungi. They may infect plants or animals and can be spread by direct contact, by water or by air
How do bacteria harm you
Divide rapidly and produce toxins which can harm your tissues and cells
How do virus’ harm people
They reproduce inside cells and explode them once your cells are filled up with virus’
Describe bacteria
- They are very small cells (about 1/100th the size of your body cells), which reproduce rapidly
- They can make you feel ill by producing toxins that damage your cells and tissues
Label and name what this is
What are Viruses
- They are not cells, 1/100th the size of a bacterium
- They can produce rapidly in your body (like bacteria)
- They’ll live inside your cells and replicate themselves using the cells’ machinery to produce many copies of themselves
- the cell will eventually burst releasing all the new viruses
- This cell damage is what makes you feel ill
What are protists
- most are Single-celled Eukaryotes
- Some are parasites
What are parasites
Parasites live on or inside other organisms and can cause them damage. They are often transferred to the organism by a vector, which doesn’t get the disease itself- e.g. an insect that carries the protist
What are fungi
- They come in different shapes
- some are single called, some have a body made up of hyphae (thread like structures)
- The hyphae can grow and penetrate human skin and the surface of plants, causing diseases
- The hyphae can grow spores, which can be spread to other plants and animals
Describe how pathogens are spread
- Water: pathogens can live in water that may be dirty or contaminated, when animals or plants drink this water, the pathogen enters the body
- Air: some pathogens can be carried by the air or breathed in as water droplets containing the virus, infecting you this way
- Direct contact: Touching contaminated surfaces or skin, the pathogens live there and get passed on by direct contact
Examples of how pathogens spread
- Cholera, bacterial infection, is spread through water
- Influenza virus, spread through coughs and sneezes, in the air
- athletes foot, fungal infection, spread through touching the same things as an infected person (towels and shower floors)