CMV Flashcards
How is maternal infection with CMV diagnosed?
Maternal serology : IgM + low avidity
How is CMV transmitted?
- Sexually
- Direct contact
- Blood
- Urine
- Saliva
Do you recommend screening for CMV routinely in pregnancy?
No. Limitations of IgM antibody screening in differentiating primary from recurrent infection makes the results difficult to use in counseling patient about fetal risks.
- Maternal immunity does not eliminate the possibility of fetal infection
- 75% of congenital CMV are due to reactivation of latent virus or a new strain
How is primary CMV infection diagnosed?
- Culture /PCR of blood, urine, saliva, cervical secretions, breast milk
- IgG 2-4 weeks apart
- Avidity testing (low avidity testing due to immature IgG being made 2-4 months after acute infection)
How is recurrent CMV infection diagnosed?
IgM + low avidity IgG
How do you counsel a patient with a positive CMV IgM and negative IgG results?
-Old infection
-New infection
-Reactivation of latent infection
75% of congenital infection are due to reactivation of latent virus or reinfection with new strain
How do you counsel a patient with a positive CMV IgM and positive IgG results?
- New infection
- old infection
- Reactivation of older latent infection
What does high IgG avidity for CMV mean?
-Mature IgG
no infection in the last 2-4 months
What does low IgG avidity for CMV mean?
-Immature IgG (infection in the last 2-4 months)
What are maternal risks of CMV infection?
Child care worker
What are maternal symptoms of CMV infection?
- Mononucleosis-like symptoms
- Fever/chills
- Myalgia
- Malaise
- Leukocytosis
- Lymphocytosis
- Lymphadenopathy
- Abnormal liver function
What percentage of patients infected with CMV are sumptomatic?
Most are asymptomatic
What ultrasound findings are consistent with in utero CMV infection?
- Abnormal liver calcifications
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Echogenic bowel
- Echogenic kidneys
- Ascites
- Cerebral ventriculomegaly
- Intracranial calcifications
- Microcephaly
- Hydrops
- Fetal growth restriction
How is in utero CMV infection confirmed?
If performing an amniocentesis for suspected CMV infection, what tests will you order on the amniotic fluid?
Culture (70-80%)
PCR (78-98%)