MFM Written/Oral Boards

This class was created by Brainscape user Moji S. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (127)

Rh and non Rh alloimmunization
38  cards
Pierre-Robin Sequence
What is pierre robin sequence 1,
Syndromic pierre robin includes 2,
What are phenotypic features of p...
3  cards
What is treacher collins syndrome 1,
What are ultrasound findings in f...,
What is the phenotype of treacher...
3  cards
Mechanical Valve Replacement
What are the maternal risks in a ...,
What are the fetal risks in pregn...,
How do you follow a patient in pr...
9  cards
Aortic Stenosis
What are causes of aortic stenosis 1,
Category of aortic stenosis 2,
What are maternal risks with aort...
9  cards
Fetal and Neonatal alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
What is fetal and neonatal alloim...,
What are the fetal risks of nait 2,
What patients are candidates for ...
17  cards
Non-Immune Hydrops
How do you define nih 1,
How do you counsel a patient abou...,
How do you counsel a patient abou...
13  cards
Neural Tube Defect
What are the risk factors for neu...,
Describe ultrasound characteristi...,
What is the recurrence risk for n...
17  cards
What is omphalocele 1,
Describe the ultrasound character...,
How do you distinguish between an...
14  cards
What is gastroschisis 1,
What are the risk factors for gas...,
How does gastroschisis occur 3
13  cards
Tetralogy of Fallot/ Transposition of great arteries
Describe the ultrasound findings ...,
Risk factors for tetralogy of fal...,
How do you counsel your patient i...
17  cards
Club Foot
Describe the ultrasound findings ...,
How do you counsel the patient if...,
What genetic conditions are assoc...
6  cards
Cleft Lip and Palate
Describe the ultrasound findings ...,
How do you counsel a patient if y...,
What genetic conditions are assoc...
17  cards
Cystic Pulmonary Adenomatoid Malformation
What is your differential diagnos...,
Describe characteristic ultrasoun...,
How do you distinguish between a ...
13  cards
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
Describe ultrasound findings in a...,
On which side are congenital diap...,
Maternal risk factors for cdh 3
14  cards
Dandy Walker Malformation
What is a dandy walker malformati...,
If a dandy walker malformation is...,
What are the associated genetic o...
7  cards
Fetal Brain anomalies
Describe hydranencephaly 1,
Describe porencephaly 2,
Describe schizencephaly 3
30  cards
Describe the proper technique for...,
How is ventriculomegaly defined f...,
What is mild ventriculomegaly 3
17  cards
General topics in genetics
In your practice for whom do you ...,
How do you counsel the low risk p...,
What is the sensitivity of cell f...
24  cards
Trisomy 21
What are the phenotypic features ...,
What are soft markers for trisomy...,
Which soft marker carries the hig...
20  cards
Trisomy 18
What ultrasound findings would le...,
What percentage of first trimeste...,
What percentage of fetuses with c...
9  cards
Turner syndrome
What ultrasound findings would le...,
What is turner 2,
How does turner occur 3
10  cards
Noonan syndrome
How is noonan syndrome inherited 1,
What is the classic phenotype of ...,
What ultrasound findings are susp...
5  cards
Fragile X Syndrome
What is fragile x syndrome 1,
What ultrasound abnormalities can...,
What patients should be screened ...
14  cards
Myotonic Dystrophy
What is myotonic dystrophy 1,
What ultrasound features can be i...,
How is myotonic dystrophy inherit...
8  cards
Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrome
What is the phenotype for prader ...,
Which chromosome is involved in p...,
What is the prognosis for prader ...
8  cards
Fetal Growth Restriction
How do you define fetal growth re...,
Which ultrasound measurement is t...,
How is a cerebellar measurement u...
41  cards
Angelman Syndrome
Which chromosome is involved in a...,
What are the three explanations f...,
If angelman syndrome develops as ...
5  cards
22q11 Deletion Syndrome
What is the classic phenotype of ...,
What ultrasound abnormalities wou...,
How is 22q11 deletion syndrome in...
12  cards
Beckwidth-Wiedemann Syndrome
What are the classic ultrasound f...,
What are the genetics of bws 2,
What is the prognosis for the fet...
5  cards
How is maternal infection with cm...,
How is cmv transmitted 2,
Do you recommend screening for cm...
28  cards
How is maternal infection with to...,
Do you routinely recommend screen...,
How do you counsel a patient with...
18  cards
Parvovirus B19
How is maternal infection with pa...,
Do you recommend screening for pa...,
How do you counsel a patient with...
25  cards
Gestational Hypertension
What are the risk factors for hyp...,
Who do you consider to be a candi...,
How do you define gestational hyp...
6  cards
How do you screen for preeclampsia 1,
Do you perform uterine artery dop...,
What are criteria to diagnose pre...
37  cards
What is eclampsia 1,
What percentage of patients will ...,
What are the indication for brain...
18  cards
HELLP syndrome
How is hellp syndrome defined 1,
What are maternal risks from hell...,
What are fetal risks from hellp s...
13  cards
Intensive Care
Most common cause for icu admissi...,
What is preload 2,
What is afterload 3
12  cards
Hemorrhage risk factors 1,
Hemorrhagic shock 2,
Massive transfusion 3
19  cards
What is dic 1,
Dic labs include 2,
Differential diagnosis for dic 3
16  cards
Pulmonary Edema
Cardiogenic vs noncardiogenic pul...,
Evaluation for pulmonary edema 2,
Medications effective in reducing...
5  cards
Define ards 1,
Risk factors for ards 2,
Ards is defined by pao2 fio2 rati...
4  cards
Define sepsis 1,
Define septic shock 2,
Causes of sepsis related to pregn...
17  cards
Mitral Stenosis
What is mitral stenosis 1,
What are the categories of mitral...,
What are the maternal risks in pr...
12  cards
Chronic hypertension
How is chronic hypertension defin...,
What are the maternal risks of ch...,
How do you counsel the patient re...
6  cards
What are the maternal risks of pr...,
What are the fetal risks of pregn...,
How do you define severe asthma 3
13  cards
What is the criteria for respirat...,
How is community acquired pneumon...,
How is hospital acquired pneumoni...
18  cards
Pres stands for 1,
What is the imaging modality of c...,
Bp goal for pres management 3
7  cards
Non-Obstetric Surgery
How do you counsel a patient abou...,
Do you perform continuous fetal m...,
How do you counsel a patient abou...
8  cards
Pregestational Diabetes
What are maternal risks of pregna...,
What are fetal risks of pregnancy...,
What are maternal risks of pregna...
33  cards
Dichorionic Diamniotic Twins
What is the most common type of t...,
How frequently does dichorionic t...,
Describe ultrasound features char...
16  cards
Monochorionic Diamniotic Twin Gestations
What pregnancy complications are ...,
Describe ultrasound features char...,
How do you follow a mo di twin du...
18  cards
After 24 weeks gestation how do y...,
How do you counsel the patient ab...,
What labs do you order on the pat...
12  cards
Twin Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
What is the likelihood of develop...,
What are the ultrasound features ...,
What are the quintero states of t...
10  cards
Twin Anemia Polycythemia Syndrome (TAPS)
How do you define taps 1,
How do you screen for taps 2,
How is taps detected 3
6  cards
Monoamniotic Twin Gestation
Describe ultrasound features char...,
How do you counsel a patient abou...,
How do you manage a monoamniotic ...
5  cards
Fetal Growth Restriction
How do you define fetal growth re...,
Which ultrasound measurement is t...,
How is a cerebellar measurement u...
17  cards
Multiple gestation with FGR
How is fgr diagnosed in a multipl...,
What is your differential diagnos...,
How do you counsel the patient ab...
8  cards
Gestational Diabetes
Who do you screen for gestational...,
What are the risk factors for ges...,
How do you screen for gestational...
10  cards
Perimortem Cesarean Delivery (PMCD) / Resuscitative Hysterotomy
What are the most common causes o...,
When do you perform a pmcd 2,
Describe how you perform a pmcd 3
9  cards
Inherited Thrombophilia
Factor v leiden heterozygote 1,
Factor v leiden homozygote 2,
Antithrombin deficiency 3
31  cards
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
What is the ejection fraction nee...,
What are some additional findings...,
When can you see most cases of pe...
20  cards
Myocardial infarction
What are the three major risk fac...,
Majority of acute myocardial infa...,
List other common findings with m...
14  cards
How is marfans inherited 1,
What is the likelihood for cardia...,
What accounts for the majority of...
13  cards
Cardiac Disease - General
Who maternal risk classification i 1,
Who maternal risk classification ...,
Who maternal risk classification ...
16  cards
Pulmonary Stenosis
What is the recommended work up a...,
True or false isolated lesions mo...,
True or false pulmonary stenosis ...
3  cards
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Hypoplasia of left ventricle is a...,
What is the best diagnostic clue ...,
Non cardiac anomalies are include...
5  cards
Who do you screen for hypothyroid...,
How do you screen for hypothyroid...,
How do you follow a patient with ...
9  cards
What are signs and symptoms of hy...,
How do you diagnose hyperthyroidi...,
What is graves disease 3
16  cards
Perinatal Diagnosis
Which of these two have the lowes...,
A carrier of cystic fibrosis with...,
A carrier of cystic fibrosis with...
3  cards
Pituitary Adenoma
What is pituitary microadenoma 1,
What is pituitary macroadenoma 2,
How do you counsel a patient with...
8  cards
Crohn's Disease
What are maternal symptoms of cro...,
How do you counsel a patient rega...,
How do you follow a patient with ...
10  cards
Ulcerative Colitis
What are the maternal symptoms of...,
How do you counsel patient regard...,
What are the most common pregnanc...
7  cards
Gastric Bypass Surgery
What is the difference between ma...,
What are potential complications ...,
What type of bariatric surgery is...
12  cards
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
What is antiphospholipid antibody...,
How is antiphospholipid syndrome ...,
What are the clinical criteria fo...
11  cards
Alpha Thalassemia
What is alpha thalassemia 1,
What does it mean to be a silent ...,
What is alpha thalassemia minor 3
17  cards
Beta Thalassemia
What is beta thalassemia 1,
What is beta 2,
What is beta 0 3
5  cards
Sickle cell anemia
How is sickle cell disease inheri...,
What is the difference between si...,
Who should be screened for sickle...
19  cards
VTE and PE
What are the risks for venous thr...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
How do you evaluate for dvt 3
17  cards
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
How is lupus diagnosed 1,
What are maternal and obstetric r...,
What baseline labs do you perform...
18  cards
Multiple sclerosis
How do you counsel a patient with...,
What are common symptoms of multi...,
How does pregnancy affect the ris...
6  cards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
How do you counsel a patient with...,
What obstetric complications are ...,
What are common symptoms of a rhe...
7  cards
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura/ Gest Thrombocytopenia
What causes itp 1,
How is itp diagnosed 2,
In a pregnant patient with thromb...
15  cards
If a patient has a fourth generat...,
If the hiv 1 hiv 2 antibody diffe...,
If a patient is confirmed to be h...
33  cards
How is maternal infection with sy...,
How do you counsel a patient with...,
What are possible explanations fo...
22  cards
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What evaluation do you perform on...,
What are the most common bacteria...
12  cards
Hepatitis B
What does a positive hepatitis b ...,
What is your initial work up for ...,
What does a positive hepatitis b ...
15  cards
Hepatitis C
Do you recommend universal screen...,
Who should be screened for hepati...,
How do you counsel a pregnant pat...
12  cards
How is maternal infection with va...,
How is varicella infection transm...,
Do you recommend screening for va...
19  cards
Renal Transplant
How do you counsel a patient with...,
How does a renal transplant in a ...,
Following renal transplant what f...
11  cards
How do you counsel patient about ...,
How do you counsel pregnant patie...,
How do you counsel pregnant patie...
17  cards
Opioid Use and Abuse
In your practice do you screen al...,
If a patient screens positive for...,
What would you discuss in a brief...
12  cards
Seizure disorder
How do you counsel a patient with...,
How do you counsel a patient with...,
What are the most common complica...
9  cards
Nephrotic disease
What is nephrotic syndrome 1,
How is nephrotic syndrome diagnos...,
Differential diagnosis for protei...
8  cards
What signs and symptoms would lea...,
In patient with nephrolithiasis w...,
What is the accuracy of renal and...
7  cards
Chronic Kidney Disease
What baseline evaluation do you r...,
What are maternal risks with chro...,
What are fetal risks with chronic...
11  cards
Placental Abruption
What is placental abruption 1,
What are the risk factor for an a...,
What would make you suspect an ab...
12  cards
Placental previa
What is a placental previa 1,
How is placenta previa diagnosed 2,
If a placenta previa is identifie...
12  cards
Vasa Previa
What is a vasa previa 1,
How is vasa previa diagnosed 2,
What are the maternal risks with ...
6  cards
Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder
What is placenta accrete spectrum...,
What are ultrasound findings sugg...,
What is the role of mri in the di...
11  cards
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
How do you define recurrent pregn...,
What is your differential diagnos...,
What workup do you perform in pat...
4  cards
Cervical Insufficiency
How do you define cervical insuff...,
How do you counsel a patient with...,
Who do you consider to be a candi...
13  cards
Uterine anomalies
What is a mullerian anomaly 1,
What is bicornuate uterus 2,
What is a deldelphys uterus 3
12  cards
Fetal Demise
What are risk factors for fetal d...,
What are risk factors for fetal d...,
What is your differential diagnos...
8  cards
Preterm Labor
How do you define preterm labor 1,
What are the risk factors for pre...,
How do you manage a patient with ...
33  cards
Preterm cervical dilation
How do you manage a patient with ...,
What questions will you ask the p...,
How do you manage a patient with ...
11  cards
Cervical shortening
What is the definition of a short...,
Describe how you measure a cervic...,
Do you perform universal cervical...
9  cards
How do you diagnose preterm prela...,
How do you manage a pregnant woma...,
How do you counsel a patient abou...
22  cards
Fetal Arrhythmia
What is the normal fetal heart rh...,
What are the most common causes o...,
What is the normal process for co...
47  cards
What is covid 1,
How does covid 19 spread 2,
What is known about covid 19 dise...
29  cards
What does vacterl stand for 1,
What is the vertebral abnormality...,
What is the anal anomaly in vacte...
4  cards
Klippel-Feil Syndrome
What is klipper feil syndrome 1,
Features of klipper feil syndrome 2
2  cards
CHARGE syndrome
What does charge stand for 1,
What are the eye abnormalities se...,
What is the choanal atresia noted...
4  cards
Multiple pterygium
What are the features of multiple...,
What are the different types of m...
2  cards
Meckel-Gruber Syndrome
What is meckel gruber syndrome 1
1  cards
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
What is ellis van creveld syndrome 1
1  cards
What is smith limli opitz syndrome 1
1  cards
Skeletal dysplasia
Definition of rhizomelia 1,
Definition of mezomelia 2,
Definition of acromelia 3
21  cards
Other fetal cardiac disease
What are the types of ventricular...,
Where on ultrasound can you find ...,
What does complete and balanced a...
21  cards
What is power in biostatistics 1,
What are type 1 and type 2 errors...,
What is alpha in calculating powe...
13  cards
Shone's complex
What is shone s complex 1,
Shone s complex can be associated...,
How is shone s complex treated 3
4  cards
Maternal ovarian cysts in pregnancy
What are the common causes for ma...,
What are the ultrasound character...,
Ovarian cyst malignancy character...
9  cards
What are the causes for polyhydra...,
What are the risks of polyhydramn...,
When do you deliver a patient wit...
6  cards
What percentage of adults are asy...,
What are the symptoms of rubella ...,
How is rubella diagnosed 3
7  cards
Tracheo-esophageal Fistula
What are the ultrasound features ...,
What is the likelihood of associa...,
What aneuploidy is associated wit...
4  cards
Umbilical vein varix
What is the definition of umbilic...,
What is the likelihood for geneti...,
What is the likelihood for associ...
5  cards
Renal anomalies
Autosomal recessive polycystic ki...,
Autosomal dominant polycystic kid...,
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 3
7  cards

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MFM Written/Oral Boards

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