CKD Flashcards
What is CKD?
Presence of kidney damage detectable on bloods, XR or in urine, or GFR <60, present for >3 months
How many stage of CKD are there?
What is stage 1 CKD?
GFR >90
Kidney damage but normal GFR
What is stage 2 CKD?
GFR 60-89
Kidney damage with mild reduction of GFR
What is stage 3 CKD?
GFR 30-59
Moderate impairment
What is stage 4 CKD?
GFR 15-29
Severe impairment
What is stage 5 CKD?
GFR <15
Advanced, requires dialysis
What are the common causes of CKD?3
Diabetic nephropathy
Chronic glomerulonephritis
What are the less common causes of CKD?4
Chronic pyelonephritis
Adult polycystic kidney disease
Systemic disease- sarcoid, vascular
What are the early symptoms of CKD?
What is the presentation of CKD?
Fluid overload
Uraemia- fatigue, N&V, headache
Sexual dysfunction
Hyperkalaemia- muscle pain and weakness, arrhythmia
Hypocalcaemia- fractures, muscle spasms, numbness
What investigations should be done for CKD?
FBC, U&Es, LFTs, Ca, phosphate, protein and albumin, antibodies
ABG if unwell
Urinalysis- dipstick, protein creatinine ratio, albumin creatinine radio
Renal biopsy
What are the principles of management of CKD?
Slow rate of renal decline
Manage symptoms
Manage complications
How is the rate of renal decline in CKD slowed?
Reverse contributing factors e.g. hypertension, hyperglycaemia
Control BP and proteinuria
How is acidosis managed?
Sodium bicarbonate
How is bone disease managed?
Reduce dietary phosphate
Phosphate binders
Vit D
How id electrolyte imbalance managed?
Consider drugs
How is fluid overload managed?
Salt and fluid restriction
What are the complications of CKD?
Anaemia Acidosis Bone disease CV disease Death/dialysis Electrolyte imbalance Fluid overload Gout Hypertension