Chpt 14: Generalization (PSY302) Flashcards
Our collective understanding of sex & gender has evolved ________, as has the _________ around those topics.
rapidly, language
Def: Sex
Sex usually refers to the biological classification, usually assigned at birth based on the external appearance of our genitals, & denoted most often with the terms of male or female. Sex diffs, then refer to the physiological diffs.
Def: Gender
Gender: a sociocultural classification shaped by cultural & historical forces & often denoted with the terms man and woman
Def: Gender identity
Gender identity refers to a person’s personal & psychological experience of gender.
Def: Race
the social categorization of humans based on skin color & other physical characteristics. NO science of human behavior can be complete without considering this critical identity.
Def: Ethnicity
Ethnicity: how a person belongs, or is thought to belong, to a population or subpopulation made up of ppl who share a common cultural background or descent. In research, don’t overlook the impact that race & ethnicity might have on variables of interest. Additionally, collect data from diverse samples & report your results accordingly.
Def: Culture
a set of behaviors, customs, normal, beliefs, values, knowledge, language, & expressions of a social group.
If psychologists want to understand human __________, they have to understand human behavior across & among ________.
behavior, cultures
Much of the research on culture centers on identifying _________ & diffs in personality & other psychological characteristics & how ppl from diff cultures respond to the ________ environments.
similarities, same
Def: External validity
the extent to which findings might be generalized to other populations & settings
Why are college students usually selected for psychological research?
Note that individuals who participate in psychological research are usually selected bc they are available and the most available population is college students.
A highly restricted population,
Young, with social & political attitudes in flux
High cognitive skills
More similar to each other than adults are similar to other adults in the gen pop.
Volunteers tend to diff in various ways from non volunteers:
They tend to be more highly educated
Of a higher SES
More in need of approval
More social
The location where participants are ________ can also impact a study’s ________ validity.
recruited, external
Online samples can be more diverse than the typical college student sample: they are still not _____________, so there are still generalization issues.
Most research with nonhuman animals is done with the expectations that the findings can be _____________ to humans.
Basic research with nonhuman animals is important bc the research problems that are addressed require ________ that couldn’t be done with human samples.
Artificiality of the lab setting can ______ the ability to generalize lab observation to real life settings.
The use of pretests can create _______ validity problems.
In most lab research, only one experimenter is used. Potentially influencing characteristics of experimenters:
Gender identity,
Def: Replication
Replication: a way to overcome any issues of generalization that happens in a single study.
2 types of replications:
Exact replication
Conceptual replications
Def: Exact replication
An attempt to precisely replicate the procedures of a study.
Def: Conceptual replications
The use of diff procedures to replicate a research finding.
In a literature review, a review reads a number of studies that ________ a particular topic & then writes a paper ________ & evaluating the literature.
address, summarizing
The literature review provides info that:
Summarizes what has been found
Informs the reader which findings are strongly supported & which are only weakly supported.
Points out inconsistent findings & areas in which research is lacking.
Discusses future directions for research
In a ____________: the researcher ________ the actual results of a number of studies & then analyzes them using a set of statistical procedures.
meta-analysis, combines
One of the most important reasons a meta analysis can lead to clear conclusions is that meta analytic studies focus on effect ______.
The analysis allows ___________ of the effect sizes in diff types of studies to allow tests of hypotheses.
Psychology & other behavioral sciences have become more ________ in perspectives & practices. The behavioral sciences have started to move toward an _________ & diverse science of humanity rather than WEIRD science.
diverse, inclusive
_________ described psychology’s continuing commitment as giving psychology away. Psychological research impacts areas like health, ________, and work environments.
Zimbardo, education
The ____ association has made significant contributions like Multicultural Guidelines.