Chapter 9 Part 3 Flashcards
evolutionarily speaking, men choose mates who are younger and look pretty, whereas females prefer looking at charactiersicts of industriousness and high earning capacity. However, the top characteristic on both women and mens lists are the same:
they want someone who is warm, loving, honest and trustworthy.
when most fertile (ovulation) women find ____-looking men most attractive
masculine looking men. indicates more testoerone and better health.
the more economic power women had in a given culture, the more women were interested in a physically attracted man. what does this indicate
that the fact women look at economic security and careers of a potential mate is because they must consider this since they are the oppressed sex.
in most societies, men are “approachers” and women are “approaches. Being approached gives you control in the world of dating, regardless of sex or gender, which is why women are the
“choosier” sex.
explain the findings of “does your face reveal your “intentions”
just from a picture of someones face, women are able to tell who is into casual sex and who is not. they rank men who were open to casual sex as less attractive for a long-term relationship than the men who were not open to casual sex. attractiveness ratings also were lower when the man in the picture was described as having a lot of sexual experience.
casual sex and attractiveness ranking for both men and women
men ranked women who were open to casual sex as MORE ATTRACTIVE than photographs of women who were not open to casual sex.
men who were open to casual sex were not rated as more attractive for women. but they were rated as more masculine looking than men who were not open to casual sex by both women and men.
attachment theory
the theory that our behaviour in adult relationships is based on our experiences as infants with our parents or caregivers.
secure attachment style
an attachment style characterized by trust, a lack of concern with being abandoned, and the view that one is worthy and loved.
avoidant attachment style
caregivers are aloof and distant, rebuffing the infant’s attempts to establish intimacy. these infants desire to be close to their caregiver but learnt o suppress this need, as if they know they will be rejected. people with this style find it difficult to develop intimate relationships
anxious/ambivalent attachment styles
typically have caregivers who are inconsistent and overbearing in their affection. these infants are anxious because they can never predict when and how their caregivers will respond to their needs.
people with ____ attachment styles as kids were likely to be obsessive and preoccupied with theyr relationships, fearing that their partners did not want to be as intimate or close as they desired
people with anxious or ambivalent attachment style.
people with avoidant attachment style tend to shy away from relationships and are high in ___ ___
high in commitment aversion.
anxious people are desperate to be in a relationship, but at the same time, they are terrified of:
people who are high in anxiety come across as withdrawn, rather than socially engaged, and shoe overt signs of anxiety such as awkwardness and stumbling over their words.
anxiously attached people were attuned to the OPPORTUNITIES for intimacy in a relationship, but also attuned to the threat of rejection.
how does anxious attachment affect conflict resolution in a relationship
researchers found that attachment anxiety was correlated with reports of high levels of conflict. people with attachment anxiety reported greater distress during the interaction than participants who were low in attachment anxiety – even if their partner responded in a positive manner.
how does anxious and avoidant attachment affect sex?
anxious men had sex less often if they felt their partner was pressuring them.
Anxious women avoided ex, especially if their partner was an avoidant man.
avoidant people limited intimacy by avoiding sexual encounters.
how does attachment style create different coping mechanisms in times of conflict or stress
in secure participants; they use active task-entered coping strategies.
avoidant participants tended to use passive avoidant strategies
anxious/ambivalent participants used passive, emotion-focused coping strategies.
when a relationship ends specfically, anxious attachment is associated with more rumination, brooding, preoccupation and regret.
two kinds of avoidance
1) fearful avoidant style
2) dismissive avoidant style
fearful avoidant style
close relationships are avoided because of mistrust and fears of being hurt.
dismissive avoidant style
the person is self-sufficient and claims not to need close relationships.
people with a fearful avoidant style have a ___ view of themselves and a ____ of others, where as people with a dismissive avoidant style have a ___ view of themselves but a ____ view of others.
people with a fearful avoidant style have a NEGATIVE view of themselves and a NEGATIVE of others, where as people with a dismissive avoidant style have a POSITIVE view of themselves but a NEGATIVE view of others.
T/F we can have more than one attachment style
ture. rather than possessing one single attachment sytyle that applies to all of our relationships, we can have different kinds of attachment to different people in our lives.
relationship-specific attachment ratings are not necessarily the same as peoples reports of their general attachment style. attachment apparatus to be relationship specific.
T/F IT HAS BEEN FOUND that attachment to specific patterns changed in the direction of global overall attachment
true. if you are generally secure, your attachment in specific relationships will tend to become secure, whereas your attachment in any particular relationship is less likely to change your overall style.
it has been postulated that attachments styles might best be conceptualized as ___
schemas: mental structures that people use to organize information rather than as stable personality traits.
this is good news, people it indicates that people can learn new and healthier ways of relating to others than they experienced in infancy.