Chapter 11 Lecture Part 1 Flashcards
behaviours that are intended to harm others, even if you didn’t actually harm them
which gender is more affected by aggression
tends to be a male phenomenon. little boys are more likely to crash their tricycles together rather than girls.
study that shows that socialization plays a role as to why males are “more aggressive” than females
Richardson and colleagues
hypothesis: if its true that females show less aggression in males because they’ve been taught and socialized that its innappropraite, if we removed those social resrtraints, then women may not feel the socialization pressure, and we may see more aggression in women just as much as men
- had female participants partake in reaction-time tasks with a male opponent
- they never saw the opponent
- the moment something flashes on the screen, you have to press a key
- the faster person wins. The winner gets to chock the loser at an intensity of their choosing
- researchers set it up so that sometimes the woman wins, and sometimes she loses. as the experiment foes on, every time she loses, the shock gets stronger.
- it appears as though her opponent is getting more and more aggressive
- critical question: what does the woman do?
3 condition: 1) pt is alone in the lab (private condition
2) public condition: female researcher observing the experimnet
3) supportive other condition:another female researcher is in the room, but she encourages retaliation
1) woman retaliated, and kept on increasing the shocks over the trial (judgement form every one is removed)
2) public condition: women gave the weakest shocks the entire time with no escalation
3) supportive condition: women in room is encouraging retaliation– pts retaliated like the private condition
- felt like their behaviour wouldn’t be deemed as inappropriate like it usually is
therefore, when we see lower levels of aggression in women in society, it most likely because it has been taught to htme
physical aggression is more common in camels, but women tend to use more ___ forms of aggresision
indirect forms.
T/F in romantic relationships, women actually hit their male partner more than men
true, but men tend to more severely injure their partner.
it is suggested that there are situations that may encourage aggression, regardless of what your gender is.
outline the study done be leonard and berkowitz and lepage that shows that aggression is brought about by social factosr
- focused on making the point that all of us are subject to situational cues that canna bring outrage
- looked at influence of having weapons present in the environment
- any situation in which there is an aggressive cue cut elicit aggressive behaviour
hypothesis if people are around weapons, they are more likely to behave aggressively
- brought its into lab and were insulted either in the presence of a gun (independent variable) or a neutral object
control: they wouldn’t insult them - later participants had the opportunity to deliver shocks to the confederate
findings: participants that had bene angered gave him more severe shocks when there was a gun in the room compared to when there was no firearm exposure
criticism about the guanine room experiment
pageant shied: having a gun in the room is weird. it is possible you can figure out the hypothesis
-argued that hypothesis was figured out, which is why they behaved more aggressively aka DEMAND CHARACTERISITCS: something else going on in the experiment that causes people to figure out the hypothesis, and they then act accordingly.
-desont’ main that the original hypothesis isn’t try, but it raises possibility that the procedure of the experiment was problematic.
explain the study done by Turner and Simons that tried to counteract the demand characteristics criticisms of the gun= aggression experiment done by berkowitz
- repeated the gun vs neutral object in the lab as berkowitz
- added step: after the experiment, asked participants what they thought the hypotheses was via POST EXPERIMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE
- after analysis, they removed all participants who figured out the hypothesis
- results only used for people who didn’t get the hypotehsis
findings: still showed more signs of aggression in the presence of a gun than the presence of a normal object.
describe the real life study done on how being exposed to guns and threatening messages increases violence
- conducted in an area of arizone where hunting was common
- had a truck with a rifle rack
3 conditions:
1) truck with no weapon display
2) truck with weapon on hunting rifle rack
3) weapon and aggressive message - bumper sticker on back of truck that said “vengence’
- had confederate drive the truck, and pretend to stall at a green light
- measured the rate of horn hoking
findings: rate of honking was highest in third condition. the other 2 conditions didn’t differ significantly from each other.
people who are exceptions to the gun= aggression rule
studies show that hunters, ski shooters et. do not show signs of aggression when exposed to a gun.
but when you replace the gun with a dif weapon, then aggression increases the same amount as anyone else.
explain the studies done by anderson, batholo which use weapon picture priming to look at aggression
paradigm: had participants SEE photos of weapons or neutral photos
- when participants shown photo, they have to SAY WHAT IT IS.
- later, they are shown a list of words on a computer- told they had to read the list outlined as quick as prossible
- shown a list of aggressive and no-aggressive words
- people exposed to weapon images are FASTER AT READING AGGRESSIVE WORDS than no-aggressive words
- brain is processing aggressive words more quickly than non-aggressive words
anderson, batholo: could priming with weapon photos lead to more aggressive behaviour in addition to aggression being brough to the forefront of our minds? outline study
in an experiment, participants had an opportunity to give confederate a lout of quiet noise. individuals exposed to images o weapons opted to give the confederate a loud noise
therefore individuals primed with weapon imagery behave more aggressively in addition to reading words faster.
T/F abuse happens more readily in marriage rather than dating
false. research doesn’t report changes in FREQUENCY from dif types of relationships. However, when violence occurs in marital or cohabiting relationships the violence is MORES EVERE THAN IN dating relationships.
explain the study of rosenbaum and o’leery (1981) that looks at the intergenerational cycle of violence
- studied men who have ben highly abusive towards their wives
- compared their family history to men who were not in violent marraiges
- men in non violent marriages had 2 GROUPS: 1) MEN IN HAPPY MARRAGES AND 2) MEN IN UNHAPPY MARRIAGES (so they can see that violence is not caused by relationship dissatisfaction)
- found that violent men are more likely to come from violent homes than either of the nonviolent groups.
- violent men also described themselves as being LESS ASSERTIVE
- violent meant haven’t seen more appropriate models to “speak up from themselves” in an appropriate way, so they react in volenece”
5 causes of relationship violence
1) intergenerational cycle of violence
2) SES
3) low self esteem
4) male power and control
5) alcohol use
describe the intergenerational cycle of violence
people who grew up in a violent home where they witness or experienced violence by their parents are more likely to end up in violent relationships both as the perpetrator or the victim
describe the SES factor of relationship violence.
families in lower SES are both perpetrators and victims of violence.being in low SES= more stressors in your life
describe how low self esteem can be a factor of relationship vioelnce
- can be A CAUSE OF VILENCE or CONSEQUENCE of violence
- people with low self esteem are more likely to behave violently than someone who is higher self esteem, and they are more likely to be a victim of violence. Also less likely to get-out of a violent releaitonship
describe how male power and control can contribute to relationship violence
- men who want to control or dominate their partners are more likely to behave violently
- violence tends to escalate over time
- often comorbid with extreme jealousy.
3 traits of abusive men
1) jealousy
2) controlling
3) dominating
Describe the findings of Leonard and Senchak study about how relationship violence can manifest by 1st anniversary.
-interviewerd couples at the beginning of marriage. tracked familiy history and alcohol intake
- reviewed at first year anniversary.
- found that if a husband had a:
1) history of family violence +
2) high in need for dominance or control + 3
) poor conflict resolution skills.
= high chance of marital aggression by first anniversary.
also found that husbands high in dominance were also more likely to abuse alcohol.
explain the relationship between alcohol use and relationship violence.
-if your partner is a heavy drinker, you’re 3x more likely to experience violence in the past year compared to being a moderate drinker
heavy drinker = 5x or more drinks at a time, and does it 5 or more times a month (ie/ more than once a week)
homicide rate: when people kill their partners, they are often intoxicated.
why do abused partners stay in relationships?
1) economic dependence
2) love and commitment ; people still report loving their partner despite violence
3) victimization: being victim as child/ in the past, you’re more likely to stay
4) fear of even greater violence if you leave.