Chapter 10 Part 2 Flashcards
in addition to genes, the current view that prevails is that peoples PERSOANLITIES interact with the ___ to determine whether or not why will engage in prosocial behaviours
while individuals who are brave or caring were both found to be helpers in early life, securely attached, and to show a pattern of nurturant compassion coupled with decisive action taking, recipients of caring awards tended to be mostly ____, were higher in ___, more ___and generally focused on ___ relationships than recipients of bravery awards (mostly males)
recipients of caring awards tended to be mostly WOMEN, were higher in NURTURANCE, more OPTIMISTIC and generally focused on CLOSER relationships than recipients of bravery awards (mostly males)
t/f the higher the SES, the higher the ratio of your money you give away
false. studies in the USA show that people in low SES tended to hide more money they earned.
when do people in high SES match the same amount of generosity seen in people in low SES?
when they are primed with compassion.
culture differences in prosocial behaviour
collectivist groups draw a “harsher line” in terms of the “in-group”. in collectivist cultures, the needs of the in groups are more important, and they are more likely to help in-group members than are members of individualist cultures.
ex/ in china, they score lower on scales that assess the altruistic personality type than people in canada, an individualist culture.
how does the culturel norm about taking credit for helping others contribute to the perception that people from Asian cultures are less altruistic overall than people from western cultures?
in asian cultures, children are taught to be modest and self-effacing, so it is possible they don’t report acts of altruism or prosocialism the way western countries may.
religion and prosocial behaviour
- people who attend religious services report that they gibe more money to charity and engage in more volunteer work than people who do not attend religious services.
- BUT: it seems as though religious people are only more likely to help in situations in which helping makes them look good to themselves or others. they are not necessarily more likely to help in situations in which no on e will know that they helped.
explain the findings of norenzayan between religiosity and helping
when primed with religious words, more people behave more prosaically, regardless of religiosity. however, people who ere more religious helped more. therefore, it shoes that there isa clear link between religiosity and performing good deeds.
findings about mood on prosocial behaviour
when people are in a good mood, they are more helpful, including contributing money to charity, helping someone find a lost contact lens, tutoring another student, etc.
recall: leaving a dime in the pay phone study.
what is it about being in a good mood that makes people more helping?
1) good moods make us look on the bright side of life.
2) helping other people is an excellent way of prolongeing our good mood.
3) good moods increase the amount of attention we pay to ourselves and this makes us more likely to behave according to our values and ideals.
what kind of bad mood leads to an increasing in helping?
feeling guilty.
study: catholic churchgoers were more likely to donate money to charities before attending confession than afterwards.
negative state relief hypothesis
the idea that people help in order to alleviate their own sadness and distress.
urban overload hypothesis
the theory that because people living n cities are constantly being bombarded with stimulation, they keep to themselves to avoid being ovverloaded by it; thats why we see more rural people helping than city people.
people are less helpful in big cities than in small towns, not because of a difference in values, but because the stress of urban life causes them to keep to themselves.
how does residential mobility affect helping
people who have lived-in one place for along time are more likely to engage in prosocial acts that help the community. . probably because they have more at stake.
prosocial behaviour is much more likely when people feel part of a group or a community.
when is a person most likely to help
when they believe that they were the only person who could help. if there are more people witnessing the event, they are less likely to help —> bystander effect.
latane and dray’s five steps to helping in an emergnecy
1) notice the event (distracted)
2) interpret the event as an emergency (pluralistic ignorance)
3) assume responsibility (diffusion of responsibility)
4) know appropriate form of assistance (lack of knowledge, lack of competence)
5) decide to implement help. (danger to self; legal concerns; embarrassment)
pluralistic ignorance
the phenomenon whereby bystanders assume that other is wrong in an emergency because no one else looks concerned.
diffusion of responsibility
each bystanders’ sense of responsibility to help decreases as the number of witnesses to an emergency or crisis increases.
how can we increase the likelihood that bystanders will intervene?
by educating ourselves and by knowing how we can be unwittingly influenced by others
how can we instill helpfullness
1) reward helpfulness in children (not so much as to cause an over justification effect tho)
2) act prosaically ourselves in hopes that they copy us.
why does playing prosocial video games or listening to feel good songs make people more cooperative?
1) increasing people’s empathy toward someone in need
2) increasing the accessibility of thoughts about helping others.
overall, how can helping be increased?
1) educating so that we are not bystanderes
2) instilling helpfulness with rewards and modeling
3) playing prosocial games, prosocial music or other things to keep thoughts you helping others accessible.