Chapter 11 Part 2 Flashcards
relative deprivation
the perception that you have less than you deserve, less than what you have been left to expect, or less than what people to similar to you have
T/F true poverty causes aggression
false. it is not deprivation, but relative deprivation that causes aggression.
- ex/ south africans who felt relative deprivation in terms of their SES to other south africans were more likely to report aggression and negative attitudes towards immigrants than those who felt less deprived.
explain the relationship between direct provocation and reciprocation
whether a person responds to a situation rwith aggression depends on whether they perceive the other person’s behaviour as intentional.
- in the lab, when students are harshly criticized for their work instead of being let down gently, they were far more likely to retaliate when given the opportunity to shock the confederate.
when convinced that a behaviour is unintentional, most of us will not reciprocate aggressively. However, these mitigating circumstances must be:
known at the time of the time of provocation.
explain the lab study about how social exclusion can lead to aggression
- in a study, students were talking to other people in the lab, and after 15 minutes, they were asked to write down who they’d like to be in a group with
- they are then informed that “no one has written down their name,” and that they don’t have a group now.
- they thus have been socially excluded/rejected
- participants who had been rejected earlier were must more aggressive towards the confederate (delivering loud bursts of sound) than those who were told they had been accepted
describe the lab study done by leonard and berkowitz which demonstrated how aggressive objects act as aggressive cues
- they purposely angered university students by insulting them
- in one condition, a gun was left in the room, in another, a neutral object was in the room.
the individuals who had been angered in the presence of the gun administered stronger electric shocks than did those who were angered in the presence of the racket.
this has real world application:
- by having guns LESS present bc of legislation, suicides in canada by firearm have dropped hey 52%, and that the rates of injury and death have fallen since the introduction of Bill C-17
- spousal homicides have fallen by 74%
exception for the gun exposure = more aggression link
aggressive stimulus effects occurs only when we actually link an object with aggression. Ex/ hunting guns were associated with aggression for non-hunters, but not for hunters, but assault weapons promoted aggression in both groups
social learning theory
the theory that we learn social behaviour (like aggression) by observing others and imitating them.
what does the social learning theory suggest about aggression
that people learn aggression by aggression being demonstrated around them
- aggressive people have often sustained abuse by their parents.
- ex/see BOBO doll experiemnt
T/F: media violence may serve to give kids already prone to aggression permission to be aggressive. It also may make generally non-aggressive children behave aggressively
Watching violence does increase the frequency of aggressive behaviour, angry emotions and hostile thoughts
what does longitudinal research show on the effects of media violence?
finds that the more violence children watch on TV, the more violence they exhibit later as teenagers and young adults.
TV viewing at age 8 predicted their level of aggression 10 years later even better than it predicted their level of aggression when they first participated in the study
It was found that the amount of time spent watching TV during adolescence and early adulthood was strongly related to the likelihood of later committing violent acts
T?F: the association between (violent) TV and violent behaviour was significant, ONLY if parents had low education
false. the association between TV viewing and violent behaviour was significant regardless of parental education, fairly income, and neighbourhood violence.
how does violent TV exposure lead to excessive fear?
adolescents and adults who watch TV for more than 4 hours prepay are more likely than light TV viewers to have an exaggerated view of the degree of violence taking place outside their own homes, and they have a much greater fear of being personally assaulted.
t/F violent TV showing, but not video game playing, causes aggresion
false. evidence strongly suggests that exposure to violent video games is a causal risk factor for increased aggressive behaviour, aggressive cognition (thinking more violent thoughts) and aggressive affect and for decreased empathy and prosocial behaviour–especially if in the violent video game you are awarded points for kills.
how does porn relate to aggression
in a study conducted in toronto, battered women reported that their partners consumed more pornographic material than did a comparison of groups of women who were not battered.
over the years, exposure to silent pornography is associated with greater acceptance of sexual violence toward women and is almost certainly a factor associated with actual aggressive behaviours toward women
explain the numbing and dehumanizing effects of media violence
in an experiment, participants who played a violent video game were later more likely to dehumanize immigrants to britain, seeing them as somehow less human and deserving than native britons, in contrast to the students who played a prosocial version (lemmings)
OVERALL, it turns out that an increase in usage of violent media went hand in hand with more tolerant attitudes towards violence in intimate relationships.
explain the finding that viewing TV violence can subsequently numb peoples reactions when they are faced with real life aggresision.
in one study pts watched either ra violent police drama or an exciting but nonviolent volleyball game. After a break, they observed a verbally and physically aggressive interaction between two preschoolers. Those who had watched the police show responded less emotioanlly– asmesasured by changes in galvanic skin response than did those who had watched the volleyball game
-therefore, viewing violence seemed to have desensitized them to further acts of violence.
which type of media has a stronger effect on aggression than others/
there is an agreement that actively playing violent video games has stronger impact on aggressive behaviour than passively watching television or movies.
explain the two-way street between media violence and aggression
- violence could cause aggression, but it could be that aggressive people are also drawn to watching violence.
watching media violence merely may serve to give them permission to expressive their aggressive inclinations
we can conclude that violent media does have an impact on average children and adolescence, but its impact is greatest on:
those who are already prone to violent beahviour