Chapter 8 Part 3 Flashcards
What trend in integrative complexity does a good leader exhibit in times of stress?
great leaders show an INCREASE IN INTEGRATIVE COMPLEXITY during a crisis, in which when stressed, they listen to other opinions even more.
contingency theory of leadership
the theory that leadership effectiveness depends both on how TASK oriented or RELATIONSHIP oriented the LEADER is, and on the amount of control and INFLUENCE the leader has over the GROUP.
TASK oriented vs relationship oriented leader
task oriented leader: concerned more with getting the job done than with the feelings of workers
relationship oriented leader: a leader who is concerned primarily with the feelings of and relationships among the workers.
When do task oriented leaders thrive
1) during high control work situations: situations in which the leader has excellent interpersonal relationships with subordinates, his position is seen as powerful, and the work to be done is structured wnd well defined.
2) during low control work situations. Situations in which the leader has POOR relationships with subordinates and the owkr to be done is not clearly defined.
when situation al control is very high, people are happy and everything is running smoothly, and there is no need to worry about peoples feelings and relationships.
the leader who pays attention only to the task will get the most accomplished.
When the situational control is very low, the task oriented leader is best at taking charge and imposing some order on a confuseing, ill-defined work environment.
When do relationship-oriented leaders thrive?
most effective n situations that are MODERATE CONTROL work situations. Under these conditions, wheels are turning fairly smoothly but some attention to the squeakiness caused by poor relationships and hurt feelings is needed.
One reason as to why it is difficult for women to get leadership positions is because good leaders should have ___ traits
agent traits; assertive controlling, dominant, independent etc.
women are traditionally expected to be communal, concerned with the welfare of torahs, warm etc. So going against this would make a women “not really womanly”
Another reason why women are not likely to get leadership positions is because they are less likely to brag about their accomplishments
What is the class cliff
the notion that although women have broken through the glass ceiling and have been able to make it into some areas of project management/leadership, they areMORE LIKELY THAN MEN to be put in charge of units that are in CRISIS and in which the risk of failure is high.
T/F when women use transformational leadership style, a style that is gerenalyl regarded as effective, they are evaluated the same way a man is
false. they are evaluated negatively by their male subordinates. Male leaders performance was rated equally effectively both male and female subordinates.
Social dilemma
a conflict in which the most beneficial action for an individual, if chosen by most people, will have harmful effects on everyone. (ex prisoner dilemma) Ex/ if you act selfishly, you’ll go free and the other person will be in jail for 25 years. If you confess together, you guys both get 5. The other guy is given the same scenario.
3 factors for increasing cooperation in the prisoner dilemma
1) if the person is your friend, you are more likely to act cooperatvively
2) Asian cultures are more likely to work cooperatively
3) social dilemmas in SMALL rather than large groups result in more cooperation.
What strategy is best for prisoner dilemma social dilemma
tit for tat. A means of encouraging cooperation by at first acting cooperatively but then always responding the way your opponent did on the previous trial (cooperatively or competitively)
Reveal the results on the trucking game study about how threats can be used to solve conflict
threats aren’t good for anyone.
when no threat/gate is available for either trucking company to use, both just take turns on the one man road– BOTH MAKE MONEY
when threats were introduced by giving one or both sides a gate, both sides lost more money.
a form of communication between opposite sides in a conflict, in which offers and counter offers are made and a solution occurs only when both parties agree.
integrative solution
a solution to a conflict whereby the parties make trade offs on issues according to their different interests; each side concedes the most on issues that are unimportant to it but important tot the other side.
barrier to reaching an integrative solution
1) we have a tendency to assume that what is important to us is obvious to everyone including our opponent. (ie/ they haven’t clarified their goals)
2) the more people have “at stake” in a negotiation, the more biased are their perception of their opponent. They will tend to distrust proposals made by the other side and will overlook interest they have uncommon.
role of electronic communication in negotiations
negotiations conduced over electronic media are more hostile, and resulted in lower prodits, than old fashioned face to face negotiations.