Aggression Guest Lecture Flashcards
criticisms about how aggression decreased because of the enlightenment
- graphs stat at years with peaks.
- homicide was already decreasing before the enlightenment.
- homicide fluctuates based on unemployment, so homicide is dependent on societal change.
relationship between aggression and age of population
if you have more young people, more crimes will be committed.
therefore more crimes in the 40s-60s was happening during the baby boom. we have way less young people now because declining birthrates– could be why we have less crime.
danger of believing we are less violent
minimizes concerns about present day violence.
key ethnic demographic affected by aggression
indigenous males are 6-7x at higher risk for homicide.
black peopl;e lose more years of life compared to white people in the states.
Perceptirons of trends in crime
68% of people believe crime is more than last years
- false tho, there is lower crime
- probably attributes to a fear mongering situation.
males tend to be more ___ aggressive, females are more ___ aggressive.
males tend to be more DIRECTLY aggressive, females are more INDIRECTLY aggressive.
bronfenbrenner model of aggression and its problem.
how our social circles and social history could influence our aggression (ex/ family, gender, media)
problem: doesn’t include our biology.
biopsychosocial perspective of aggression
biological: genes, intrauterine environment,
psychological: individual differences, gender, attributions
societal: culture, intergenerational transmission.
T/F there is a strong correlation between spanking and aggression
false. there are many studies that do have strong correlations, but other studies that do not. Overall, there is not a very strong correlation between spanking and externalizing behaviour in children.
twin studies and aggression
monozygotic twins have an 87% correlation– if one twin is aggressive, its very likely the other twin will also be aggressive.
- for dizygotic twins, it is lowered.
explanation: MZ twins are treated more similarly and have a similar intrauterine environment.
T/F: income inequality is correlate with homicide rate
but confound: its difficult to say if aggression is higher in the south due to culture of honour or if its due to their high rates of income inequality.
relationship between mothers smoking and aggression in their children.
smoking during pregnancy is correlated with conduct problems.
- its hard to elucidate whether smoking causes aggression when mothers who smoke also had a bunch of confounding factors like intellectual ability, education etc.
explain the interaction between genetic predisposition and mistreatment and the manifestation of aggression
people with a genetic predisposition (ex/ Low MAOR) are more aggressive IF environmental factors (ex/ abuse) trigger it.
explain the interaction between gender and context and the manifestation of aggression
in gorilla studies, females are more aggressive if they are alone with their baby, and less aggressive if they and their baby are with a silverback male.
- maybe they are less aggressive because they feel more protected.
explain the findings that aggression and homicide is universal
in a number of countries, it is seen that more males are killed than women.
T/F young boys tend to be more aggressive than girls
explain how testosterone may be linked to aggression.
it was seen that if testosterone was given to female rats, they had an increased fighting frequency.
may predispose males to fighting more.
** but other studies show that testosterone barely makes a difference, so idk.
- in prison inmates, there is more testosterone.
- findings show that men with more testosterone are more “rambunctious” but overall, the true correlation between testoserone and aggression is weak, it is more dependent on situation.