Chapter 9 Notes Flashcards
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Carl Jung
Recognizing our personality preferences enables us to be what?
more effective in how we exercise our wills in making choices and coming to decisions for our lives
Our entire life experience has been a constant process of what?
Making choices
What is the general study of psychology?
All mental processes and behavior
In the term “exercise our will,” what “will” refer to?
Refers to the higher nature in human beings that enables them to reason critically and make moral judgments
What are judgements?
What is right/wrong in our value system
Soul -faith- Decisions about
God-Kingdom Centered
I-Worldly Centered
It is a choice
What is the replacement for hard work?
In order to mature, what do you have to do?
Confront problems
Hard work —> problems -(perseverance)-> maturity
Behavior scientists who study our mental processes and behavior trying to figure out how they work
What is unshakable confidence?
- knowing the information
- identify (self-awareness)
- respond
What is confidence?
Why you do what you do
In Carl Jung’s theory, what two activities do we do before we make a decision?
- We take in the information
2. Evaluate the information and come to conclusions
What is decision making?
A psychological process
When our minds are active in the psychological process, we are involved with one other or what other things? What do they lead to?
Data Information Impressions Observations Ideas -They lead to decisions
What are the two scales measures our preferences in how we take in information in the process of deciding on courses of action?
Gathering information
Making decisions
intake of information
What is the preference in how we perceive? Some people have a perceiving preference that relies primarily on the process of observing facts or events through one or more of the five senses.
Other people have a perceiving preference that relies primarily on the less obvious process of observing meanings, relationships, and possibilities in an instinctive manner that operates beyond the normal mechanics of the conscious mind. What is this preference is referred to as?
Name the five senses
Sight Smell Touch Sound Taste
Some people have a preference toward coming to conclusions and making their decisions by relying primarily on an impersonal basis of rational consequences. What is this preference referred to as? (relies heavily on a logical approach)
Other people have a preference toward coming to conclusions and making their decisions by relying primarily on a personal basis of social values. What is this preference referred to as? (relies heavily on a relational approach)
What is the difference between thinking and feeling?
T - rational analysis
F - relational harmony
What two other factors operate how our psychological strengths operate in our lives?
- Which activity we prefer
2. Where we gain energy in the process
What simply refers to the process of coming to a conclusion and making a decision?
What do judging and perceiving deal with?
Judging: decisions
Perceiving: data, information, impressions, observations, and ideas
The way some of us find that when we are taking in information and making decisions about it, we gain the greatest energy by interacting with the external world of people, experiences, and activities.
Others find that we gain more energy by interacting with the internal world of ideas, memories, and emotions when we are taking in information and making decisions about it.
In Deuteronomy 30:19-20, what does it say to choose? What are the consequences of that choice?
Choose life
- You may live
- Your children may live
- Love the Lord your God
- Listen to his voice
- Hold fast to him
What is the constant theme of the Bible?
For us to use our wills to make the right choices
Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. row away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.
JOSHUA 24:14-15
Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”
What is not from God?
What is fear of the Lord?
Wisdom and knowledge
Out of the 12 spies, what the the 10 base their decision on?
What is a natural condition that applies to all people?
How are you connected to everyone?
Fabric of society