Chapter 10 Spiritual - Study Guide Flashcards
Define the spiritual strengths domain.
The capacity in our lives that enable us to discern and respond in service to transcendental influences that are encountered above or beyond that which is explainable by natural law or phenomena.
What is the relationship of your spiritual strengths in relation to the other strength domains?
Spiritual strengths transcend all the other domains because it serves as the primary context for our existence and Life Calling, serving as the guide on how to use all the other domains.
What are the four sections of scripture that lists the spiritual gifts that God gives us?
a. Romans 12:3-8
b. I Corinthians 12:7-11
c. I Corinthians 12:28
d. Ephesians 4:11-13
In trying to discern which spiritual gift God has given you, what is one of the clearest ways you can discover it?
See a need in others
True / False
Everyone has been given a spiritual gift from God.
True / False
Our life calling will best be discovered in our career search.
True / False
Even if someone doesn’t believe in the existence of God, they can still use their spiritual gifts
True / False
Your spiritual gift from God can be taken from you.
When living by faith, what is the three-step process we use in living out the life God has called us to?
a. Identify – What is God’s call for your life and what are the spiritual gifts he’s given you
b. Sharpening – Developing your gifts & call through study, work, effort
c. Applying – Using your gifts & call in the service of the needs of society
At which step does spiritual discernment develop?
_______: The ability to focus upon the receptive interaction of listening and gaining direction for our lives.
What is the primary reason that discerning God’s way is more difficult than discerning what you want?
Being selfish comes easy – it’s a natural state of mind. Whereas learning about God’s way is more difficult because the following process takes time and effort:
What are the four choices you have to make in order to develop the ability to discern what God is calling you to do?
a. Choosing to not be selfish
b. Choosing to study/learn about God
c. Choosing to remain disciplined in the learning process
d. Choosing to live by faith and apply what has been learned
“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”
Proverbs 14:12
How does the curriculum explain that this verse is a warning about the misuse of the other four strength domains?
When we rely only on the other four strengths domains (physical, emotional, intellectual, and psychological), we will end up seeing things in our life path that appear to be “right.” But when we travel down that path, we may end up encountering destruction. There are many aspects of our Life Calling that can only be “seen” with spiritual eyes.
“Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness.”
Matthew 6:33
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and light for my path.”
Psalm 119:105
What does the curriculum state is the significance of the Bible being a “lamp to my feet”?
This means that as we take each step of our lives, we can and should look to the Bible for enlightenment related to that individual step
What does the curriculum state is the significance of the Bible being a “light for my path”?
This means that as we make longer-term plans for our lives, we can and should again look to the Bible for guidance.
“Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born or water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to the spirit.”
John 3:5-6
Who was Jesus teaching in the verse above?
What are the (3) levels of spiritual response?
- Phenomenal – Miraculous events that guide or enable our path with no rational explanation.
- Informational – Receiving thoughts and impressions that clearly do not come from our own mind, but provide us crucial guidance.
- Giftedness – Unique spiritual forces are placed in our lives as a part of God’s calling.
List the eight (8) habits that lead you toward Spiritual Discernment:
Solitude Bible Study Confession Worship Simplicity Prayer Fellowship Service
What is the purpose of knowing the Beatitudes?
They are a guide on how to live by faith.
Where in scripture are the Beatitudes found?
Matthew 5
What does each action in the Beatitudes illustrate?
How much we care
List the eight (8) Beatitudes:
a. Blessed are the poor in Spirit
b. Blessed are those who mourn
c. Blessed are the meek
d. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
e. Blessed are the merciful
f. Blessed are the pure in heart
g. Blessed are the peacemakers
h. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness
List the nine (9) virtues Paul called the “fruit of the spirit” in his letter to the Galatians:
a. Love
b. Joy
c. Peace
d. Goodness
e. Patience
f. Kindness
g. Faithfulness
h. Gentleness
i. Self-Control
Why does Galatians state after listing these virtues “against such things there is no law”?
In this structure, the “law” pertains to consequences from sin (self-centeredness). When we act in accordance with the behaviors listed above, we are following God’s call to act under His Authority in love. When doing so, the law holds no authority over God.
List the eight (8) steps of spiritual development IN ORDER that is taken from 2 Peter 1:5- 7:
a. Faith – Choosing to live a God-centered, rather than I-centered life leads to…..
b. Goodness – Which are behaviors that result in the faith choice above. These behaviors lead to personal growth (due to a choice to live outside of self, and therefore…..)
c. Knowledge – develops due to your MATURITY. Your TESTMONY becomes filled with numerous examples of “what I’ve learned” & “what I’ve experienced” due to the foundational Faith choice that resulted in actions one would NOT have chosen if remaining in self-interest….. this leads to the ability of…..
d. Self-Control – When faced with the temptation to act upon one’s selfish desires, the testimony from above allows one to choose Faith in God’s way (the application of Emotional Intelligence) rather than self-justification (being driven by feelings), which leads to……
e. Perseverance – actions of fighting through fear, worry, doubt, etc. and facing the problems of the day. Because of this,
f. Godliness – is seen in you. A result of how others view you in a manner that attracts them to you because the manner in which you have behaved, the choices you have made, the actions you take, are markedly different than what they feel themselves and are used to seeing. When they come to you, you treat them with…
g. Kindness – in a manner of accepting them as they are. Knowing “but by the grace of God there go I” you treat others with the full force of your very best and give them hope of all that God can do through them. This’s interaction is ……..
h. Love – Living in a way that gives your very best (what you’ve developed because you Love God) in a way that encourages and provides for others so that they can be their very best.
What is the primary danger when taking a Spiritual Wellness Test like the one given at the end of chapter 10?
That if we score low, we become depressed thinking that the score shows that we are not good enough to be loved by God and that we have failed in our lives. Or If we score high, we become manic thinking that the score shows that we are better are following God than others, that God approves us more than others, and that we are a success in our lives.
List the three elements of spiritual strength:
a. Spiritual Gifts
b. Spiritual Habits
c. Spiritual Truth
When you live by faith in God, where does your confidence come from?
God’s love for you; That you have been uniquely created; His promise of irrevocable gifts for you, to be used for a specific life calling
When you live by faith in God, where does your humility come from?
That we are naturally sinful, and are in constant need for protection, forgiveness, and learning
When you live by faith in something other than God, where does your confidence come from?
Your personal accomplishments, appearance and performance in comparison to others
When you choose not to live by faith in God; or even believe in the existence of God; what authority does scripture state that you are under?
The devil’s