Chapter 3 - Character Flashcards
of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong
being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern conduct
the moral and ethical quality of people demonstrated in the actions taken in life consistent with the mind-set they establish for their lives
he said “A man is but the product of his thoughts . . . what he thinks, he becomes.”
Our life is ______ when the values we claim to believe for our lives equal the way we actually live our lives.
Our life is ______ when the values we claim to believe for our lives does NOT equal the way we actually live our lives.
If the values of our life do NOT equal the way we actually live our lives, what are our only two options to make them equal?
change our behavior
change the values/principles of our life
When our values and actions are incompatible or in disagreement in our minds the text warns that this “often leads to a strange condition.” What is that condition?
Leads to great confusion when it comes to finding direction. Because of this, the text states that “our minds often leads to a strange condition. Quite often the two incompatible ways of thinking become a driving force that compels our minds to acquire or invent new thoughts or beliefs to minimize the amount of disagreement between our beliefs and actions.”
How does James 1 describe the condition in the above-mentioned question?
Being double-minded
The text states that another manner in which people attempt to deal with the disagreements within their minds is to have “morals à la carte” - what does this mean?
When you compartmentalize your morality. For instance, in one area of your life you will seek out God and His direction, while in another your feelings/emotions determine your direction. Or saying one thing and doing another.
If you answered that God created the world and everything in it, and you make your choices regarding Character within that belief structure, this will lead to _____?
If you answered that God created the world and everything in it, and you make your choices regarding Character contrary to that belief structure, this will lead to _____?
If we answer that we were Created by God, we would seek after what our life calling is within this existence and find __________ within that role.
If we answer that we exist for ourselves or that there isn’t an overall meaning to our existence, our actions would lead us down a path of _________________.
If we believe that we have an eternal place in the universe, we pursue our life-calling in our relationship with God and find our ______ in trying to continually mature.
If we believe that this physical world is all that there is, than our life would seem to be totally ________ and live as though nothing really matters that much.
“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if people claim to have faith but have no deeds? Can such faith save them?”
James 2:14
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:25
“Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”
1 Samuel 15:22
Give an example of “burnt offerings” that you may fall into the trap of doing in your life.
Making over-hyped promises to God when you’re struggling, like “God if you help me I promise to never miss church again” or “never do that again.”
What is the three-fold congruence that the text advises to live in?
What does the text state will be the result if you choose NOT to live your life in the three-fold congruence?
Confusion - because you won’t know what path to follow in your life
The place in scripture that clearly describes the struggle related with the attempt for such life congruency.
Romans 7:21-25
Our hope is in the deliverance from this struggle can come only through ______.
The saving grace of Jesus
Was commended by the prophet Samuel as being a man after God’s own heart, despite his struggle with sin.
David (found in scripture in 1 Samuel 13:14)
The place in scripture that describes this person’s struggle with sin.
Psalm 51
When we choose to surrender to Christ in our Life-Calling, we will be able to _______ and _______ God’s will.
Test and approve
What are the three ways God’s Will is described?
When we choose to follow the patterns of the world in pursuing our Life-Calling, what do we seek?
Our selfish interest
The place in scripture that contrasts the perspective of pursuing God’s Will or the pattern of the world.
Romans 12
When your PRESENT condition is negative (sad, depressed, lonely, confused, etc.) what is the way to look at your PAST that leads toward maturity?
They will see it as an opportunity to take responsibility, learn from it and grow
When your PRESENT condition is negative (sad, depressed, lonely, confused, etc.) what is the way to look at your PAST that leads toward immaturity?
They will look back to place blame on why something caused them harm
The place in scripture that teaches “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’, ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”
Matthew 5:37
Why does the verse say that anything beyond this advice is from “the evil one”?
Because with all the extra words and promises you’re just trying to manipulate yourself or others into believing something that your going to try to get out of if you can