Chapter 2 Flashcards
Who said “Faith is not simply a set of beliefs that religious people have. It is something that all human beings do.”?
Sharon Daloz Parks
confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing that does not rely purely on logical proof or material evidence to arrive at such a conclusion
What is an existential premise?
What we believe about why we exist
Who said “Faith is more adequately recognized as the activity of seeking and discovering meaning in the most comprehensive dimensions of our experience.”?
Sharon Parks
What is faith (verb)?
Making a guess based on the logic and evidence from the present to a world beyond evidence and logic
What is faith (noun)?
The existential premises that define what we believe how and why we are here on earth.
Name the three existential questions.
How did I come into existence?
Why do I exist?
Where does my existence lead?
What assumption is the Life Calling Model based on?
That there is a pattern to the universe that includes each person as a part of that pattern in some way.
The study of sciences searches for what kind of patterns?
Observed, measured, and predicted
What is the Chaos Theory?
We observe random data, but over time a pattern will occur. (Dice)
What is a definite pattern with a definite separate designer that has initiated the pattern and may continue to do so?
A theistic design
How do patterns with intentions answer questions?
“How” the universe will occur and “why” the universe will occur.
What is faith related to patterns?
derives from facts and the assumptions we make about those facts.
What is faith related to intentions?
Faith related to intention, while incorporating some observable facts, relies much more on assumptions, intuition, and beliefs.
What does faith emerge from?
A combination of facts, assumptions, and beliefs
Factors that determine where we are about faith in a philosophical pattern spectrum
- what we have been told by the culture and subculture in which we have grown up.
- A second factor relates to the conclusions we have drawn from our own observations.
- Finally, our conclusions about an intentional pattern will be impacted by ‘personal encounters with mystical experiences that take place beyond the realm of objective observation and explanation.’
What are the two faith actions in forming our mindset?
Noun-action (describing)
Verb-action (activities)
“The greater our assumption that we are intentionally meant to be here, the greater will be the potential to discover a purpose for our lives.” Who wrote this and what did he call it?
Richard Leider (1997). “Power of Purpose”
What is something science cannot measure?
The future
What is a worldview?
A set of assumptions we have developed
Who said that a worldview is a set of pre-conceived ideas that we hold about the basic makeup of our world or universe?
James Sire (1997)
What is a godless worldview?
assumes that what we view in the visible physical universe contains all there is to know.
What is a “God” worldview?
‘formed around the belief that there is an order of existence’, that while including what we observe in science, extends beyond the scientifically visible universe, and there is spiritual or mystical truth from this realm that is just as important and reliable as that derived from the visible or natural realm.
What are the two paths looking at Life Calling?
God-permeated exploration (we have an eternal place) and godless exploration (we exist only in the present with no discernible future beyond this life)
Hebrews 11:1-3
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. is is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
3 dimensions of faith.
- Faith correlates to what we hope for
- Faith correlates to our certainty about what has already happened
- Faith is active in what we are trying to understand right now
2 Corinthians 5:7
We live by faith, not by sight.
What are God’s invisible qualities?
Eternal power and divine nature