Ch. 4 Flashcards
” All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny…I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the inter-related structure of reality”
Martin Luther King Jr.
What is the garment in MLK Jr.’s quote referring to?
Fabric of society - like a quilt
You affect other people around you. You are only as strong as the cloths that binds you. Everything you do matters.
What is the triangle/pyramid? Example
Preying off of people under you. Using others to become higher.
Jewish leaders
What is an active classroom?
Thinking in a teamwork manner, dealing with problems at the moment, how you respond as a team
When do you reach your peak achievement?
When you love God and love others
Which of the three section of foundational values goes under loving God and which goes under loving others?
Loving God: faith, character
Loving others: service
What do faith, character, and service value?
Faith (identify): our values in regard to reality
Character (sharpen): our values of ourselves
Service (apply): our values of others
Matthew 7:12
What does it refer to?
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and Prophets.” Refers to the Old Testament
Where is ultimate meaning found?
Ultimate meaning is found not in self-centeredness but in community-connectedness with a deep awareness of and for the condition of others characterized by empathy and compassion.
What is the qualitative statement of MLK Jr.’s quote?
Having to decide if community-connectedness is true
What is faith?
The premises we adopt about our existence
What is character?
Integrates our premises into the actual living out of our existence
What is service to other defined as?
Life Connection
What is Life Connection?
the mind-set of community where we value others with respect and seek to understand them in a spirit of community
What are things people want to avoid (for others)?
1 Peter 4:10
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
(what you see as needs for other people is what you need to fulfill)
List the 5 concepts of how service assists our Life Calling.
Respect, community, concern, responsibility, and action
What is respect?
Serving others in a way that does not rob them of their dignity
What is the selfish perspective? 3
“I know how to live someone’s life better than they do.”
- assumption
- judgment
- does not equal respect
What is the God perspective?
“But by the grace of God - There go I!”
How does Jason “respect” Romero?
Thinking he can live Romero’s life better than Romero does
How does Romero “respect” himself?
Feeling sorry for himself, thinking he is a stereotype
The ability to understand the emotions and feelings of another person
Difference between sharing the Gospel and telling the Gospel
- assumes an air of equality
- togetherness, community (we’re all the same)
- “I’m better than you”
- assumes an air of superiority
What is community?
An interacting body of individuals with common characteristics or interests
What does community refer to? (Examples of teamwork)
Fabric of society, body of Christ
“I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”
Those who pursue Life Calling (or what would probably be better characterized as “pseudo calling”) by focusing almost entirely on self-help and personal development, will never really find a true Life Calling that enables them to live their lives in the power of purpose. (?)
How does teamwork work best?
When we are all identifying and sharpening in the role they are called to
How does teamwork work weakly?
- Gossip, slander, factions –> blame
- Bossy (doesn’t work well with others)
- Friendliness (letting people pass, too nice)
What is concern?
A matter that engages a person’s close attention, deep interest, or significant care
What is the antithesis of Life Calling?
What is responsibility?
answerable or accountable for something or someone within our ability, power, or control to care for.
It can be ignored, but it cannot be avoided
What is action?
an exertion of energy, power, or force to accomplish a desired end
What is the most productive action for discovering a Life Calling?
Actions arising from compassionate service to others in our world community
How do you serve yourself?
Where you place your faith in, what matters to you
How you put yourself together physically and intellectually (?)
What is servanthood?
A continuous attitude within us to serve whenever we detect a legitimate need
What is the best way to understand servanthood?
love acted out continually in life’s relationships in a way that places the needs of others before one’s own self interests
Who developed the mutual influence model?
Chris Clum
Mutual Respect: When you __________ and __________ others…… are NOT __________ them.
Love, accept, judge
Mutual Trust: When you ___________ and _____________ from others…… are NOT __________ them.
Listen, learn, correct
Dignity: When you ____________ and ______________ with others…….you are NOT __________ them.
Serve, partner, direct
How do you stand against/resist force?
Avoid following, force back, move away/get counsel
How do you allow force to happen?
Having fear of rejection or strength (weak)
What is the moment in regards to you?
A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead…A Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. “Look after him,” he said, “and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.”
LUKE 10:30-35
What did each man do when he saw the struggling man?
Priest: saw the man and passed by in the other side (ignored)
Levite: came to the man, but passed by once he saw him
Samaritan: took care of the man
How is football similar to service?
Pep talk before a game. They talk about what they are going to do, but until it is actually played out, it is all just talk. Same for reason. You can talk about the need, the reason, and the way to solve it, but no service is given until there is action.
What is the goal between God’s authority vs. your authority?
To be in alignment
Five important steps we can take to make sure that compassion is part of our experience
- Keep your eyes out for the plight of others in your communities just as much as you do for yourself.
- Always approach situations with others in a positive spirit of respect for them as unique creations of God.
- Maintain compassionate concern and regard for or interest in their situation rather than a negative, critical attitude about their situation.
- Determine in your heart before you encounter situations that whenever it is in your power to do it, you will take responsibility to bring goodness into a situation where evil is prevailing.
- Commit yourself to taking your compassion to the stage of action. Don’t be caught in the misconception that an attitude of pity or sympathy is enough to demonstrate compassion. The final test of compassion is found in action.
Know Psalm 139
________________ is the involuntary act of serving another person……
…..and it is carried out in our ______________.
Force; body
________________is the decided act of serving another person……
…..and it is carried out in our______________.
Duty; mind
________________is the attitudinal act of serving another person…..
…..and it is carried out in our _____________.
Heart; spirit