Chapter 9 - Muscles Flashcards
Muscular tissue accounts for _____ of total body mass
The scientific study of muscles is known as ____
Does most of the work generated by the body
Functions of muscles
- Maintain posture and body position
- Movement
- Heat production
- Guard orifices
- Support visceral organs
Four properties of muscle tissue
- Excitability
- Contractility
- Extensibility
- Elasticity
The ability to receive and respond to electrical or chemical stimuli
The ability to shorten forcibly when stimulated
The ability to be stretched forcibly when stimulated
Ability to return to original shape after being stretched
Muscles are ____
Tissue types in muscles
- Connective
- Arteries/Veins
- Nerves
- Lymphatics
- Contractile muscle cells
Seven skeletal muscle characteristics
- Attaches to bone, skin, or fascia
- Striated with light and dark bands
- Voluntary control
- Long, thin and multi-nucleated fibers
- Arranged into packages that attach to and cover the bony skeleton
- Contracts rapidly, but tire easily
- May exert great force
One muscle cell = ?
One fiber
Main portion of a muscle
Belly (Gaster)
Muscle structure
- Belly is attached to tendons
- Tendons are attached to bone
- Dense irregular CT around muscle
- Holds it in place and separates it from other muscles
Deep fascia
Loose CT beneathskin, surrounds several muscles
Subcutaneous fascia
Skeletal muscle organization
- Many muscle fibers are bundled together into groups called fascicles
- 10-100 muscles cells (fibers)
- Several fascicles make up a muscle
Three layers in skeletal muscle CT
- Epimysium
- Perimysium
- Endomysium
Surrounds the whole muscle
Surrounds fascicles
Separates individual muscle fibers (cells)
All connective tissue extends beyond the muscle belly to form the _____
Tendons may form thick flattened sheets called
Embryonic cells that fuse to form muscle fibers
Myoblasts (Thats why they are so long and multinucleate)
Myoblasts that do not fuse become ___
Myosatellite cells
Assist in repair of damaged cells
Myosatellite cells
Three components to fiber structure
- Sarcoplasm
- Sarcolemma
- Transverse (T) tubule
Fiber cytoplasm
Plasma membrane of a fiber
Extensions of the sarcolemma into the sarcoplasm
Transverse (T) tubule
Contractile organelles that extend the length of fiber
Myofibrils are surrounded by the ____
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Characteristics of sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Similar to ER
- Contains calcium ions
The functional unit of a myofibril is called a ____
What are sarcomeres made of?
Thick and thin filaments
What are thick filaments made of?
Characteristics of myosin
- Twisted protein with globular heads
- 1.6 um long
- 500/thick filament
Two components to thin filaments
- Actin
2. Regulatory proteins
- Structural protein
- Coiled “beads”
Allow and prohibit attachment between actin and myosin
Regulatory proteins
Two regulatory proteins in the thin filaments
- Tropomyosin
2. Troponin
Causes the striated appearance of muscle
Sarcomere “bands”
Four bands in sarcomere with their meanings
- A band - entire thick filament
- I band - only thin filaments
- H band - only thick filaments
- Zone of overlap - both filaments
Divide and flank the sarcomere
Sarcomere “lines”
Two sarcomere lines
- Z line
2. M line
- The end of the sarcomere
- Made of actinin proteins
- Anchor thin filaments
Z line
- Middle of the sarcomere
- Stabilize thick filaments
M line
Three structural proteins
- Titin
- Nebulin
- Actinin
- Anchors a thick filament to a Z line
- Accounts for elasticity and extensiblity
- Holds F actin together on thin filaments
Makes up Z line
As the actin slides over the myosin
- Zone of overlap enlarges
- H bands shrinks
- I band shrinks
- A band remains the same
- The Z line moves closer to the A band
Six components to neuromuscular junctions
- Motor unit
- Neuromuscular junction
- Synaptic terminal
- Motor end plate
- Synaptic cleft
- Neurotransmitters
Neuron and all muscle cells stimulated by the nueron
Motor unit
Point of contact between the neuron and the muscle
Neuromuscular junction
End of axon that contacts motor end plate
Synaptic terminal
Point on muscle fiber that contacts synaptic terminal
Motor end plates
Gap between two synaptic terminals
Synaptic cleft
Chemical released into that gap
When chemicals are released into the gap between the synaptic terminal
Acetylcholine (Ach)
Events of muscle contraction
- Ach stored in synaptic vesicles
- Impulses reaches end of neuron — ach released
- Ach crosses gap and binds to receptors
- Impulse travels through motor end plate down T-tubles to SR
- Ca2+ ions diffuse out of SR into sarcoplasm
- Ca2+ exposes the active site
- Myosin then binds to active site
- ATP is used and contraction occurs
- Contraction continues as long as Ca2+ concentration is high
Explain how the muscle moves due to to using ATP
- The myosin head attaches to at binding site on the actin
- ATP causes the myosin to flex and pull on the actin
- The thin filaments slide inward
Explain the events of muscle relaxation
- Ach decomposed by acetylcholinesterase
- Ca ions transported back to SR
- Actin and myosin links broken
- Cross bridges move back
- Active site is blocked once again
How is tension produced by a muscle determined?
- The frequency of stimulation
- Number of motor units stimulated
All fibers in a motor unit fully contract if stimulated
All or None Law
Steady increase in tension by increasing the number of contracting motor unit
Muscle never begins to relax, continuous fused contraction
What is muscle tone?
- Motor units contract randomly
- Tension, but no movement
What can muscle tone do?
- Stabilize joints
- Holds objects in place
- Maintain posture
Constant, exhaustive stimulation increases the number of organelles/proteins in a fiber
What does hypertrophy do?
Increase: Mitochondria Glycolytic enzyme reserves Myofibrils Filaments within myofibrils
Do muscle fibers reproduce?
No you idiot, why would they?
Overall enlargement of the muscles is do to what?
- Lack of constant motor neuron stimulation reduces organelles and proteins
- Reversible if fiber is not dead
Due to: Age Hormones Lack of use Nerve damage
Three components to muscle attachment
- Origin, insertion, force
Attachment site that does not move
Attachment site that moves
Fascicle arrangement varies based on _____
Position of muscles
Fascicles parallel to long axis
- Unidirectional force
Parallel muscles
Example of parallel muscles
Biceps brachii
Fan shaped muscles
Convergent muscles
Characteristics of convergent muscles
- Multidirectional force
- Versatility
- Generates least amount of force
Example of convergent muscle
Pectorais major
Feather shaped muscles
Pennate muscles
Characteristics of pennate muscles
- Fascicles oblique to long axis
- Tendon passes through muscle
- Greatest force
Example of pennate muscles
Characteristics of circular muscles
- Concentric fascicles around opening
- Contraction decreases lumen diameter
Example of circular muscles
Orbicularis oculi
Rotation around one axis
Movements produced on a uniaxial axis
- Rotation: atlantoaxial, pivot joints
- Angular: knee, IP joints
Movements occurs along 2 axes
Angular motions of biaxial movements
- Flexion/extension
- Abduction/adduction
Ex: ellipsoidal joint, radiocarpal, metacarpal phalange; carpometacarpal (2-5)
Movement on all axes
Angular motions of multiaxial
- Same as biaxial
- Rotation
- Circumduction
- Ex: ball and socket
Main muscle causing directional force
This can be any muscle of interest
Muscle that contracts to oppose agonist
Examples of antagonist pairs
- Bicep brachii
- Tricep brachii
Muscles that assists/modifies movement
Example of synergists
- Brachialis
- Pronator teres
Muscles that stabilizes elements associated with agonist
Example of fixator muscles
Deltoid stabilizes glenohumeral joint
Lever systems modify what?
Levers can change what?
- Magnitude of force
- Speed
- Direction
- Distance of limb movement
Components of a lever system (with meanings)
- Lever (L) = skeletal element
- Effort (E) = applied force (AF)
- Fulcrum (F) = joint
- Resistance (R) = body part or object moved
Explain the two characteristics of first class levers
- Teeter-totter/ See-saw
- R opposite of E with central F
Example of first class levels
E = neckextensors F = alanto-occipital joint R = skull
Two components to second class levers
- Wheel barrow
- E opposite of F to move R
Example of second class lever
Plantar extension
E = calf
F = MP joint
R = weight of body
Characteristics of third class levers
- Shovel, broom
- E in between F and R
Example of third class levers
Elbow flexion
E = biceps brachii
F = elbow joint
R = weight distal to joint
Seven characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers
- Fast acting; high energy requirements
- Anaerobic
- Large diameter
- Densely packed myofibrils
- Large glycogen reserves
- Few mitochondria
- Rapid, powerful brief contractions
Characteristics of slow muscle fibers
- More myoglobin; slower sustained contraction
- Aerobic
- Smaller diameter
- Longer to contract
- Contract for longer time
Characteristics of intermediate fibers
- Attributes of both
- Similar to fast fibers
- Greater resistance to fatigue
- Exercise (or lack of) can change one muscle type to another
Seven characteristics of smooth muscle
- Attached to hair follicles in skin
- In walls of hollow organs and blood vessels
- Nonstriated
- Involuntary control
- Contractions are slow and sustained
- Spindle shaped
- Very elastic
These muscles contract slowly and are resistant to fatigue
Smooth muscles
Smooth muscles are stimulated by what?
- Nervous system
- Hormones
- Ions
- Stretching
Explain why smooth muscles is a single unit
- Many gap junctions
- Sheets of spindle-shaped cells
- Contract together (syncytial contraction )
Example of where single unit smooth muscle is
- BV’s
- Digestive tract
- Respiratory tract
- Urinary tract
Example of multi-unit smooth muscles
- Walls of large BV’s
- Uterus
- Iris of eye
Why can smooth muscles be multi-unit?
- No or few gap junctions
- Separate fibers; contract independently
- Only contract when stimulated by motor nerve
Cardiac muscle characteristics
- Striated in appearance
- Involuntary control
- Autorhythmic
- Network of fibers with intercalated disks at ends
- Found only in heart