Chapter 9 An Agrarian Republic Flashcards
Who owned the Louisiana Territory after the Seven Years War?
What was the first African independent state in this hemisphere.
Who was the leader of the rebellion in Haiti?
What percent of the population lived in cities at this point?
What trade is key to Charleston?
What is the key product of Baltimore
What is the key product in Philadelphia
What is the clipper?
a new design of ship with tall sails and is very sleek
Who is our biggest trade partner?
What is the Empress of China?
A boat that helps us trade with China
What was the Jefferson idea of the amount of Government?
“the less government, the better”
What does Laissez fair mean?
leave it alone
What are the midnight judges?
judges who were appointed the last day of Adams presidency
Why did Marbury sue Madison?
he was told he was going to be a judge but did not end up getting the appointing by Adams.
Who won the Marbury vs. Madison?
What is the result of the Marbury vs. Madison trial?
it gave the court more power by establishing the declaring unconstitutional phrase
Who wins the Aaron Burr vs Alexander Hamilton duel? And what is his intentions.
Burr tries to set up a new nation
When do we take possession of Louisiana
What was the goal of Lewis and Clark?
to find a water way for the west
Who is arrested by the Spanish for spying?
As Americans entered the 1800’s they found what
the nation’s role in international affairs still remained uncertain
The American economy in the early nineteenth century was what
Was predominantly rural and agricultural throughout the nation.
The inauguration of President Thomas Jefferson was a significant occasion because
it marked the peaceful transition of power from one party to another
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who established the independence of the federal judiciary was?
James Madison
Where did Long explore?
the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains
Thomas Jefferson believed what about the expansion?
it was essential to liberty
What happens to many of the US Ships?
they are seized by both the British and French
What is impressment?
forcing men to join an army and navy usually kidnapped
How many Americans were impressed?
What British ship attacked the USS Chesapeake?
the British ship Leonard
What did the Embargo act do?
it eliminated all trade
What did the Embargo act do to the US economy?
it hurt America businesses even more than other nations
What did the nonintercourse act allow that the embargo act didn’t.
allow trade with other nations other than England and France
What is Gerry Mandering
changing the boundaries of the parties in the House of Representatives
Who is considered the true first lady?
Dolly Madison
What were the two Shawnee leaders who emerged?
Tecumseh and “Prophet”
What are the two Shawnee leaders ideas?
go back to the olden times before Europeans arrived
What was the treaty of Fort Wayne?
a treaty signed between several tribes and Govenors of the Indian territory that sold two millions acres of land to the US
How did the natives get additional weapons?
the British gave it to them
What is another name for the War of 1812?
Mr. Madison’s War
What was the main cause of the War of 1812?
the British were messing with our ships
What were war hawks?
group of pro war congressmen
What was Macon’s Bill Number Two?
a way to go reward and punish Britain or France
Why did Britain have little troops and soldiers over in America?
the Napoleonic Wars in Europe
What was Commander Perry?
a great naval leader
How did we win in the navy fighting?
through the use of privateers
Why was the Constitution ship called the “Old Ironsides”
cannon balls would fall off of it
Where did the worst Indian Massacre occur?
Fort Mimms, Alabama
Who won the battle of horseshoe bend?
Jackson and his army
What was the first state to threaten leave the union?
New England
What killed the federalist party?
the demands of New England
Who was John C. Calhoun?
the mounth piece for the southern states
Who was Daniel Webster
the representative of the northern states
Who is Henry Clay and what is his nickname?
he was the representative for the western states and was considered the great compromisers
What three points were in Henry Clay’s American System?
national bank, tariff on imported goods to protect the American Manufacturers, and national system of roads and canals
What happened when the US national bank charter expired?
the US economy was unstable
When was the second National Bank instituted?
What kind of Tariff was the Tariff of 1816
a protective tariff to protect new industries
What does the Erie cnal do?
connects the great lake to the Atlantic Ocean from Lake Erie to the Hudson River
What was the first national highway?
Cumberland Road
What was the decision in the McCulloch v. Maryland?
it established national supremacy proving that a state cannot tax the federal government
What did the Gibbons v. Ogden trial create?
an institution or company in multiple states is managed by the national government
What does 36, 30 line also called?
the Missouri Compromise line
What does Jefferson feel about the Missouri Compromise?
it does not solve the problem
What did the Monroe Doctrine state?
to leave independent states as they are and not any new colonies
As the US expanded to the West, what was the common American belief?
Mexico provided an ideal opportunity for further territorial acquisition.
What were the three effects of Governmental policies regarding Indians?
white encroachment, Indian resistance, and ultimately tribal defeat
The new generation of politicians who openly resisted British influence in North America were called?
War Hawks
The Hartford Convention expressed what?
New England Federalists’ opposition to the War of 1812
What indicated the success of Jeffersonian Republicans and the end of Federalists?
the Era of Good Feelings
John Quincy Adam’s most successful effort as secretary of state was what?
the dealing with Spain over Florida
The Missouri Compromise revealed what?
The US was very divided over slavery.
Were Americans satisfied with the territorial growth at this point?
In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall argued successfully that the Supreme Court could?:
declare federal laws unconstitutional.
How much was Louisiana purchased for?
Between 1806 and 1809, non-importation, non-intercourse, and embargo acts sought to?:
forced Great Britain to recognize American rights.
One of the immediate results of the new transportation routes constructed during the “Canal Age” was?:
an increased white settlement in the Northwest.
The issuance of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 was prompted by?:
the fear that France might intervene in Latin America to restore Spanish colonial rule.
As a result of the “Corrupt Bargain”?:
John Quincy Adams became president.
In the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War of 1812, how well were the matters resolved?:
nothing was settled beyond a restoration of the prewar status quo
During both the Washington and Jefferson administrations, the Western settlers’ most urgent and consistent demand on the federal government was for the?:
guaranty of an outlet to the sea for their produce.
Chief Justice John Marshall asserted that only Congress, not the states, possessed the power to control interstate commerce. The case was?:
Gibbons v. Ogden.
The congressional election of 1810 was important because it?:
added a number of young, western, anti-British representatives to the House.
In the Rush-Bagot Treaty, Great Britain and the United agreed?:
to limit their naval forces on the Great Lakes.
Recent historians describe the “Era of Good Feelings” as?:
free of ideological disputes.