Chapter 20 Flashcards
Who was Jay Cook?
prominent financial wizard who owned a banking company that declared bankruptcy
Did the government help out the failing businesses?
What was the largest railroad strike in the US?
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Why did the railroad workers go on strike?
the wages were cut by as much as 20%
What did the strikers at the Haymarket Riot want?
shorter work days
What did Coxey believe?
the government should print paper money
What election was the greatest test for the Populist Party?
What was William McKinley’s presidential administration characterized as?
expansionists, probuisness
The “splendid little war” described by John Hay was what?
Spanish-American War
Who was Ida B. Wells?
an African American Journalist/Suffragist who fought for civil rights
Who delivered the speech “Cross of Silver”?
William Jennings
What did the Grange Laws do?
regulate rising fare prices of railroad and grain elevator companies
What did the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act do?
create a merit system for governmental jobs
What is boodle?
money gained or spent illegally
Who was considered the “boss” of Tammany Hall in New York?
William Tweed