Chapter 11-12 Formation of Politics & Expansion Flashcards
How many political parties did America for the most part had in the Era of Good Feelings?
Where did Andrew Jackson live in his childhood?
Nashville, Tennessee
What election did Andrew Jackson run in?
What is the name of the Election of 1824?
the Corrupt Bargain
Who wins the election of 1824?
John Quincy Adams
Who became the secretary of state in the election of 1824?
Henry Clay
What party was Jackson in?
What were the points of the Jacksonian Democracy?(4)
strict interpretation of the constitution, hands off approach to economy, patronage system
What is the Manifest Destiny?
it is God’s will that America should go from Coast to Coast
What does the Spoil System do?
it rotates the people in office
Do southerners like tariffs and what did they call it?
no a Tariff of Abomination
What is the argument in the Nullification?
the states can have power over the supreme court.
Who does the whig party oppose?
How did Jackson close the national bank?
He put all of the governments money in small pet banks.
Who led the Whig Party originally?
Clay and Webster
Who proposed the Indian Removal Act?
Where were the Indians proposed to be moved to?
Who won the 1836 Election and why?
Martin Van Buren, the whig party had 4 candidates
Why was Tyler thrown in as vice President?
for regional reasons
Who is the American Scholar?
What mill was used as an example mill?
Lowell Mills
Who did the Lowell Mills appeal to?
women and girls
Who were the Boston Associates?
those who invested into the textile industry
Who was Samuel Slater?
a British textile mechanic who stole all the plans of the machines
What are the three things needed for mills?
water, work force, machines
How were the mills powered?
water power
What was the Lowell Offering?
a newspaper for workers of Lowell Mills
What did the steam boat offer?
a method of going upstream
Where was the Erie canal?
New York
Is the south making its own items?
What is the focus of the west in commerce?
growing food
What is the advantage of the factory system over the putting out system?
all the manufacturing would occur in one place
What is the idea of domesticity?
the home is a sanctuary of the world
Who Samuel Colt?
he started mass production of guns
Who painted the expedition of Lewis and Clark?
George Caleb Bingham
What president was elected in 1836?
Van Buren
Who represented the ideals of the South?
John C. Calhoun
Who was the leading American senator from Massachusetts?
Daniel Webster
Who proposed the American System?
Henry Clay
How did George Catlin paint the natives?
as a vanishing race
What election was William Henry Harrison elected in?
What was the nickname of the Tariffs in the time period?
Tariff of Abominations
Where did the National Government store its money during the absence of a national bank?
in pet banks
What did the Supreme court rule during the Gibbons vs. Odgen and Charles River Bridge vs. Warren Bridge trials?
a state cannot support a monopoly
What were the five civilized tribes?
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole.
What famous art school helped to consolidate and spread American art culture?
Hudson River School
What did Specie Circular mandate?
that land had to purchased in cash
What did the Supreme court rule in the Dartmouth College vs. Woodward trial?
a state could not violate another states contract.
What is the idea that the states have the right to reject federals laws?
What was the first major improved highway in the US called?
National Road
Who was the first multi millionaire in the US and what did he do?
John Jacob Astor through fur trade
What was the concept of the putting-out system?
individual family homes would make a small portion of a product and then pass it on
Who founded a Harvesting Machine company?
Cyrus McCormick
Who invented the steel Plow?
John Deere
Who is considered the father of the American industrial revolution and how did he do it?
Samuel Slater stole the plans of an English textile factory
Who made mass producing of sewing machines much easier?
Isaac Singer
Who helped make the mass production of the revolver commercially viable?
Samuel Colt
The Second American party system created what?
truly national political parties
The American political system developed in such a way that
most adult white males gained the right to vote
The Period called the Era of Good Feeling came to an end with
the election of 1824
A significant characteristic of popular democracy was what?
an insistence that voters express loyalty to a specific party
Adrew Jackson ushered in a period of American history known as the what?
Age of the Common Man
During his administration, Andrew Jackson
used the presidential veto quite frequently
A major difference between postindustrial production and factory work was what?
the precise and unrelenting work schedule in factories
One unanticipated result of the transportation revolution was what?
the spread of epidemic diseases throughout much of the nation