Chapter 14 Expansion Flashcards
What two states were once nations in the west?
California and Texas
What was the original name of California?
The Great Bear Republic
Why is the Battle of the Alamo significant
because it shaped events associated with the expansion of the U.S.
The exploration and development of the American West depended on what?
the politics of the national government
The manifest destiny of the U.S. was what?
God’s desire for the nation to dominate all of North America.
The joint occupation of Oregon was an agreement between the United States and who else?
Great Britain
In 1821, the government of Mexico allowed Americans to settle in Texas for what reason?
to provide a buffer against hostile Indian tribes
What was the primary proposal by Democrats in the 1844 presidential election?
the reoccupation of Oregon and the re-annexation of Texas
The war against Mexico did what inside the U.S.?
generated significant opposition.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did what two things?
set the Texas border at the Rio Grande and ceded California and New Mexico
President James K. Polk and other expansionists wanted to obtain California in order to
spread Americans commerce into Asia.
Who had the most domination in the California gold rush, companies or individuals?
What did the Wilmot Proviso declare?
slavery would be prohibited in any territory that might be acquired from Mexico.
The “free soil” movement did what?
advocated outlawing the further extension of slavery.
A significant issue in the election of 1848 was what?
how to deal with the issue of expansion of slavery in the newly acquired territories.
Spot Resolutions
resolutions requested PresidentJames K. Polkto provide Congress with the exact location (the “spot”) upon which blood was spilt on American soil
Comstock Lode
the first major discovery of silver ore in theUnited States that is located in Nevada
Wilmot Proviso
a statement declaring that slavery would be prohibited in any territory that might be acquired from Mexico
Lewis Cass
the losing nominee of theDemocratic Partyfor president in 1848
Popular Sovereignty
the principle that the authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives.
Liberty Party
a minor party that was an early advocate of theabolitionistcause
Free Soil Party
a short-livedpolitical party that’s main purpose was opposing the expansion ofslaveryinto the western territories, arguing that free men on free soil comprised a morally and economically superior system to slavery.
John C. Freemont
the first candidate of the anti-slavery Republican Party for the office of President of the United States
a person who has a contract with the Mexican government for land.
Santa Anna(Antonio Lopez)
a Mexican leader who took on many political and military positions before and during the Mexican American war. He is often considered the Napoleon of the West.
Spanish word for Texan
gold seekers who traveled to California in 1849
49th parallel
the proposed border of Canada and the U.S.
54’40’ or Fight
the popular slogan that led President Polk to victory of obtaining the entire Oregon territory
Oregon Trail
the commonly used pathway for pioneers and companies traveling to Oregon and California
Marcus Whitman
led the first large party ofwagon trainsalong the Oregon Trail to the West, establishing it as a viable route for the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who used the trail in the following decade
Rendezvous system
a system including meeting expos for fur traders
In Congress, most of the criticism of the Mexican War came from the?:
President Zachary Taylor favored what about slavery in future Mexican territory
swift admission of new states from the Mexican Cession, with the issue of slavery decided by the local inhabitants
The Senate rejected annexing Texas drawn up by Secretary of State Calhoun because?:
he defended annexation as a way to protect and defend slavery.
The Pre-Emption Action of 1841?:
legalized settlement on federal land prior to its being surveyed.
One reason for the Anglo-Texan rebellion against Mexican rule was that?:
the Anglo-Texans wanted to break away from a government that had grown too authoritarian.
According to the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, the United States?:
gained California and New Mexico.
Had it passed, the Wilmot Proviso would have?:
prohibited slavery in any territory won from Mexico.
The prominent issue in national politics in the 1840s was?:
the westward expansion of U. S. territory.
What was the nickname of the Mexican American war?
Mr. Polk’s war
What were the name of the Oklahoma Land Rushers who snuck out on the land early?
Who were the Exodusters?
African Americans migrating from the South
What was the pony express?
a mail service